Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's

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numero = 10075
interpreted = N
texte = As a developer on the Mac platform, I believe a reality check is appropriate. The reason I choose WebCommerce-the full version-was two-fold. First-price. WebCatalog has an excellent price and I know because my research assistant and I researched performance/flexibility and price for two months before deciding on WebCatalog.Second-flexibility. With a little creativity, you can not only address concerns regarding multiple databases within one database-categorical skus-but you can also deliver constantly updatable content from an online interface as well as making WebCatalog accessible from multiple WebServers.ButlerSQL is a great program. It is also more expensive (over two grand with Tango, the HTML interface builder), requires a huge investment in learning a database language (at least for what we want to do), and is slow.4D is also a great program, but once again there is a price differnce, a language investment, and anytime you access an external program, it's going to be slower.There's also the fact that for prime operation, it is suggested you link two macs together, one a file server, the other a webserver.Macs in general have a signifigant system overhead (not compared to mswindows 95, or chicago, or 97, etc.), so anytime you can get a program that runs as fast as webcatalog, you've got a good thing.SSL has already been addressed, so I wont bother, but I believe it's important to realize that, with all the great things that are coming up, when you buy webcatalog, you are buying a product that is designed to run fast, be easy to set up, and provide a maximum amount of flexibility while still maintaining low system overhead. It does that. Further, it does it for a good price (PERL is always available and is in the public domain, so there are feebies out there).Lastly, I believe it is also important to remember our e-mail manners. Flaming is rude, particularly when what you really want is assistance and an explanation, not implied or inferred annoyance. Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Grant Hulbert 1996)
  2. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (mike) 1996)
  3. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Bob Beaton) 1996)
  4. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (mike) 1996)
  5. Re:Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Bob Beaton) 1996)
  6. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Michael E. Cantrall) 1996)
  7. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Grant Hulbert 1996)
  8. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Erikheath A.Thomas) 1996)
  9. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Erikheath A.Thomas) 1996)
  10. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (allan 1996)
  11. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Jay Van Vark 1996)
  12. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (allan 1996)
  13. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Jay Van Vark 1996)
  14. Re:Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Jay Van Vark 1996)
  15. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Johann Weber 1996)
  16. Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's ( (Amos Goh Yoong Shing) 1996)
  17. Re: Running 2 two WebCatalog.acgi's (Johann Weber 1996)
As a developer on the Mac platform, I believe a reality check is appropriate. The reason I choose WebCommerce-the full version-was two-fold. First-price. WebCatalog has an excellent price and I know because my research assistant and I researched performance/flexibility and price for two months before deciding on WebCatalog.Second-flexibility. With a little creativity, you can not only address concerns regarding multiple databases within one database-categorical skus-but you can also deliver constantly updatable content from an online interface as well as making WebCatalog accessible from multiple WebServers.ButlerSQL is a great program. It is also more expensive (over two grand with Tango, the HTML interface builder), requires a huge investment in learning a database language (at least for what we want to do), and is slow.4D is also a great program, but once again there is a price differnce, a language investment, and anytime you access an external program, it's going to be slower.There's also the fact that for prime operation, it is suggested you link two macs together, one a file server, the other a webserver.Macs in general have a signifigant system overhead (not compared to mswindows 95, or chicago, or 97, etc.), so anytime you can get a program that runs as fast as webcatalog, you've got a good thing.SSL has already been addressed, so I wont bother, but I believe it's important to realize that, with all the great things that are coming up, when you buy webcatalog, you are buying a product that is designed to run fast, be easy to set up, and provide a maximum amount of flexibility while still maintaining low system overhead. It does that. Further, it does it for a good price (PERL is always available and is in the public domain, so there are feebies out there).Lastly, I believe it is also important to remember our e-mail manners. Flaming is rude, particularly when what you really want is assistance and an explanation, not implied or inferred annoyance. (Erikheath A.Thomas)


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