Re: WCS Newbie question

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numero = 10293
interpreted = N
texte = >I've got some more questions (big surprise :-). When you say servers, do you mean CPUs or Web* applications ?I mean Web* applications. If you're planning to use SSL, I highly recommend you use the CGI version for now.>If you are talking about separate CPUs, how does one use the Web* configuration script to update the PlugIn for both the regular and SSL server applications ? I don't mind doing the configuration manually, I'm just curious if I missed something.Please configure it manually. We provide that very simple script to get people up and running before they learn how to use the _real_ WebStar administration.>If we have both the Web* and Web*/SSL servers on the same CPU, can we still use the plug-in without problems ? Can we keep them in separate folder hierarchies ?For technical reasons only StarNine can explain, it's better not to use the plugin for a site that has both SSL and non-SSL. We're planning a fix in the next release that allows W* and W*SSL to use the exact same plugin.>I'm also not sure I understand the RAM requirement is doubled sentence in either of the two interpretations unless you just mean that each CPU would have to allocate RAM for the plug-in.StarNine designed W* and W*SSL to use separate folders for plugins. That means 2 completely different WebCatalog plugins get loaded, each of which has its own memory space, databases, etc. To prevent confusion on your part, I recommend using the CGI to circumvent this problem (only 1 CGI ever gets used). It's possible to use the plugin, but you must be very aware of what data is going where. Don't worry: the CGI is extremely fast -- ClubMac has been using it for months now with no detectable slowdown.Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | Tools for WebWarriors Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebCommerce Solution 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, #462 | SiteEdit, SiteCheck, PhotoMaster San Diego, CA 92128 | 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WCS Newbie question (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: WCS Newbie question (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: WCS Newbie question (Server1 1997)
  4. Re: WCS Newbie question (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  5. Errata: WCS Newbie question (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  6. Re: WCS Newbie question (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  7. Re: WCS Newbie question (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  8. Re: WCS Newbie question (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  9. Re: WCS Newbie question (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  10. Re: WCS Newbie question (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  11. Re: WCS Newbie question (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  12. Re: WCS Newbie question (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  13. WCS Newbie question (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
>I've got some more questions (big surprise :-). When you say servers, do you mean CPUs or Web* applications ?I mean Web* applications. If you're planning to use SSL, I highly recommend you use the CGI version for now.>If you are talking about separate CPUs, how does one use the Web* configuration script to update the PlugIn for both the regular and SSL server applications ? I don't mind doing the configuration manually, I'm just curious if I missed something.Please configure it manually. We provide that very simple script to get people up and running before they learn how to use the _real_ WebStar administration.>If we have both the Web* and Web*/SSL servers on the same CPU, can we still use the plug-in without problems ? Can we keep them in separate folder hierarchies ?For technical reasons only StarNine can explain, it's better not to use the plugin for a site that has both SSL and non-SSL. We're planning a fix in the next release that allows W* and W*SSL to use the exact same plugin.>I'm also not sure I understand the RAM requirement is doubled sentence in either of the two interpretations unless you just mean that each CPU would have to allocate RAM for the plug-in.StarNine designed W* and W*SSL to use separate folders for plugins. That means 2 completely different WebCatalog plugins get loaded, each of which has its own memory space, databases, etc. To prevent confusion on your part, I recommend using the CGI to circumvent this problem (only 1 CGI ever gets used). It's possible to use the plugin, but you must be very aware of what data is going where. Don't worry: the CGI is extremely fast -- ClubMac has been using it for months now with no detectable slowdown.Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | Tools for WebWarriors Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebCommerce Solution 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, #462 | SiteEdit, SiteCheck, PhotoMaster San Diego, CA 92128 | 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Grant Hulbert


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