Re: WebCat2b13 Mac plugin - [sendmail] and checkboxes

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numero = 10493
interpreted = N
texte = >>I have an input form that's used to collect data. The values entered are >>passed as variables (for example, [v.fieldName] ) to the next page, which >>is a results template that has an embedded [sendmail] context. >> >>When a user fails to enter a value in a text field, that field appears >>blank on the sendmail message. But when a user fails to check a checkbox, >>WebCat2 enters the literal value of the variable. In other words, I don't >>see a blank where I expect one, I see something like [v.fieldName] instead. >> >>Why doesn't WebCat2 deal with empty text fields and unchecked checkboxes >>the same way?>before the user checks the box, set it's VALUE=. I do this elsewhere >just to be safe on all my forms that have check boxes or radio buttons. >This can get confused I think if they hit the back button and no value is >changed again. Does this make sense?For text fields it makes sense, but not for checkboxes. The VALUE parameter is always preset in a checkbox tag, so this won't do it. Grant says the unchecked checkbox fieldname doesn't even exist in the list of parameters (no matter what you set the VALUE to in advance) and he's right.I just sent him a request for ideas for a possible solution, so I hope he will respond to the WebDNA-Talk list now that it's working again ... :)Sincerely, Ken ------------------------------------ To leave this talk list send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat2b13 Mac plugin - [sendmail] and checkboxes (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Re: WebCat2b13 Mac plugin - [sendmail] and checkboxes (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: WebCat2b13 Mac plugin - [sendmail] and checkboxes (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Re: WebCat2b13 Mac plugin - [sendmail] and checkboxes ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  5. WebCat2b13 Mac plugin - [sendmail] and checkboxes (Kenneth Grome 1997)
>>I have an input form that's used to collect data. The values entered are >>passed as variables (for example, [v.fieldName] ) to the next page, which >>is a results template that has an embedded [sendmail] context. >> >>When a user fails to enter a value in a text field, that field appears >>blank on the sendmail message. But when a user fails to check a checkbox, >>WebCat2 enters the literal value of the variable. In other words, I don't >>see a blank where I expect one, I see something like [v.fieldName] instead. >> >>Why doesn't WebCat2 deal with empty text fields and unchecked checkboxes >>the same way?>before the user checks the box, set it's VALUE=. I do this elsewhere >just to be safe on all my forms that have check boxes or radio buttons. >This can get confused I think if they hit the back button and no value is >changed again. Does this make sense?For text fields it makes sense, but not for checkboxes. The VALUE parameter is always preset in a checkbox tag, so this won't do it. Grant says the unchecked checkbox fieldname doesn't even exist in the list of parameters (no matter what you set the VALUE to in advance) and he's right.I just sent him a request for ideas for a possible solution, so I hope he will respond to the WebDNA-Talk List now that it's working again ... :)Sincerely, Ken ------------------------------------ To leave this Talk List send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Kenneth Grome


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