Re: [AppendFile] problem (WebCat2b13 Mac .acgi)

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numero = 10597
interpreted = N
texte = >Still having my [appendfile] problem. The syntax looks like this: > >[AppendFile srchlog.db][DATE] [TIME] [IPADDRESS] [TEMPLATE] N/A >[wagroup1datarq] [numFound] >[/AppendFile][closedatabase srchlog.db] > >But instead of writing to the srchlog.db file, a file called simply @A >is being created and appended to with a bunch of entries like the >following: > >rchlog.db] 04/08/97 07:50:57 > /scholars/qsearch.tmpl N/A >Dunkirk 9 > >Any ideas?I have an idea that there might be some kind of invisible character in your [appendfile] context. Please try to delete the entire thing and retype it from the beginning. Maybe if there's an invisible character in there, this exercise will get rid of it.Sincerely, Ken ------------------------------------ To leave this talk list send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [AppendFile] problem (WebCat2b13 Mac .acgi) (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Re: [AppendFile] problem (WebCat2b13 Mac .acgi) (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. [AppendFile] problem (WebCat2b13 Mac .acgi) (Gil Poulsen 1997)
>Still having my [appendfile] problem. The syntax looks like this: > >[AppendFile srchlog.db][date] [time] [ipaddress] [TEMPLATE] N/A >[wagroup1datarq] [numFound] >[/AppendFile][closedatabase srchlog.db] > >But instead of writing to the srchlog.db file, a file called simply @A >is being created and appended to with a bunch of entries like the >following: > >rchlog.db] 04/08/97 07:50:57 > /scholars/qsearch.tmpl N/A >Dunkirk 9 > >Any ideas?I have an idea that there might be some kind of invisible character in your [appendfile] context. Please try to delete the entire thing and retype it from the beginning. Maybe if there's an invisible character in there, this exercise will get rid of it.Sincerely, Ken ------------------------------------ To leave this Talk List send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Kenneth Grome


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