Re: docs for WebCatalog2

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numero = 10674
interpreted = N
texte = >Are there any docs, or manuals about Webcatalog 2.... I understand it's >still in beta, but from what I've seen and read here on the list.... it >appears that much has changed from 1.6 to 2.bxx. > >I have WebCat2 on order but am trying to get a head start on preparing my >site.Here's what you're looking for ..., Ken ------------------------------------ To leave this talk list send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: docs for WebCatalog2 (Ken Tuley 1997)
  2. Re: docs for WebCatalog2 (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  3. docs for WebCatalog2 (Ken Tuley 1997)
>Are there any docs, or manuals about Webcatalog 2.... I understand it's >still in beta, but from what I've seen and read here on the list.... it >appears that much has changed from 1.6 to 2.bxx. > >I have WebCat2 on order but am trying to get a head start on preparing my >site.Here's what you're looking for ..., Ken ------------------------------------ To leave this Talk List send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Kenneth Grome


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