Re: Exclamation point

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numero = 11198
interpreted = N
texte = >>[showif [form.body]=] >>if the form.body ends---ie with some text! <--ends with exclamation point >> >>it triggers the above [showif] which means form.body contains nothing. >>Remove the exclamation point and replace it with a period and she goes over >>the show if and the text is appended as it was meant to be. > >Sorry about that. It's actually a result of ! being a special character >inside [showif]. The ! in your text is fooling WebCat into thinking it's >[showif x!y]. > >Try swapping the equals sign around: [showif =[form.body]]which means >show if nothing equals [form.body]No cigarand what I found puzzling was that this did the same thing[showif [form.body]=[raw][form.body][/raw]]What is it doing triggering the not equal of the show if command if I read correctly what you are saying above? =============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Terry Wilson 2014)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Terry Wilson 2014)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Donovan Brooke 2014)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Terry Wilson 2014)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Steve Braun 2014)
  6. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Terry Wilson 2014)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Donovan Brooke 2014)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Steve Braun 2014)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Tom Duke 2014)
  10. [WebDNA] exclamation point vs. [url] and [input] (Steve Braun 2014)
  11. [WebDNA] Old Problem, the exclamation point (Steve Braun 2014)
  12. Re: Exclamation point (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  13. Re: Exclamation point ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  14. Re: Exclamation point (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  15. Re: Exclamation point ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  16. Re: Exclamation point (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  17. Re: Exclamation point ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  18. Re: Exclamation point (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  19. Exclamation point ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
>>[showif [form.body]=] >>if the form.body ends---ie with some text! <--ends with exclamation point >> >>it triggers the above [showif] which means form.body contains nothing. >>Remove the exclamation point and replace it with a period and she goes over >>the show if and the text is appended as it was meant to be. > >Sorry about that. It's actually a result of ! being a special character >inside [showif]. The ! in your text is fooling WebCat into thinking it's >[showif x!y]. > >Try swapping the equals sign around: [showif =[form.body]]which means >show if nothing equals [form.body]No cigarand what I found puzzling was that this did the same thing[showif [form.body]=[raw][form.body][/raw]]What is it doing triggering the not equal of the show if command if I read correctly what you are saying above? =============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== (Gary Richter)


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