Re: problem serving foreign languages text

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numero = 12025
interpreted = N
texte = >>I have a small dictionnary of technical terms in a File Maker pro Database >>which contains basically the word and in another field its definition. As >>I am french the text contains accented characters like é, à for >>>>example.>>When I tried to port the database to Webcatalog I obtain a * instead of >>the real character and I could not find a way to tell Webcat to display >>thoses characters.If FileMaker is changing those characters during the export - instead of just showing them as a *, then you won't be able to use FileMaker to export your data until you make it export the actual characters as they are input.However, let's assume that this is *NOT* the real problem. Let's assume that the original characters are still being exported into the database properly, but they are just not showing up properly. That's where the [convertchars] context comes in.Now that your data (with special characters) is in WebCat2, you have to use the [convertchars] context whenever you want to display that data properly on your web pages. But that's NOT all there is to it, because ...Only a few of the ASCII characters you want to convert are pre-entered into in the WebCatalog Prefs file. You will probably have to add the rest of them yourself. This is very easy, it's just typing the proper codes and characters and tabs and carriage returns ... but to be safe, work on a copy of the prefs file, just in case ... :)I sent a list of these character conversions to the list here a month or so ago. Maybe it's available in the archives. Someone also responded to the list at that time with an URL for a complete list of all the currently-accepted ASCII character values, and that URLis probably in the WebDNA-Talk archives as well.Please note, everything I've said above relates to displaying field data directly on the web page. It has nothing to do with displaying field data inside a