Fun with Dates - finally resolved but....

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numero = 12345
interpreted = N
texte = Hey guys thanks for all the help and advice. This thing really had me stumped because all my non-[math], non-[date] methods of searching and restricting by date range worked fine. But anytime I tried the math/date combination it all went no where. Now, I hadn't really thought about it but somewhere along the lines I realizd that the fact that this code was embedded in my index.html as opposed to a .tmpl could be the problem. So I moved everything over to a index.tmpl file and everything is singing (well almost - more about that in a second).Now, I had my suffix mapping set so that WC processes both .html and .tmpl suffixes. Shouldn't that give me identical functionality regardless of whether my code is in my index.html file versus index.tmpl? And yes the code is completely identical. Is there something specific to the date/math combo that requires that that code reside in a .tmpl file??? If not I must have a problem with my .html suffix mapping.Also I've happened upon an anomoly ('cause I would never cry BUG knowing that Grant would just make me look foolish after showing me the errors of my ways...). Anyway here's my code which works for the most part: days.
And here's the problem: As I test the various pull-down options everthing appears to work fine - I get a small number of records with start dates in the next month, a greater number in the next 2 months etc. until I hit the 6 month/180 days option. For whatever reason it coughs and only gives me only 2-3 records instead of all the records that had been found with the earlier options as it should... Any ideas??-marty Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Fun with Dates - finally resolved but.... (Christer Olsson 1997)
  2. Re: Fun with Dates - finally resolved but.... ( (Marty Schmid) 1997)
  3. Re: Fun with Dates - finally resolved but.... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Fun with Dates - finally resolved but.... ( (Marty Schmid) 1997)
Hey guys thanks for all the help and advice. This thing really had me stumped because all my non-[math], non-[date] methods of searching and restricting by date range worked fine. But anytime I tried the math/date combination it all went no where. Now, I hadn't really thought about it but somewhere along the lines I realizd that the fact that this code was embedded in my index.html as opposed to a .tmpl could be the problem. So I moved everything over to a index.tmpl file and everything is singing (well almost - more about that in a second).Now, I had my suffix mapping set so that WC processes both .html and .tmpl suffixes. Shouldn't that give me identical functionality regardless of whether my code is in my index.html file versus index.tmpl? And yes the code is completely identical. Is there something specific to the date/math combo that requires that that code reside in a .tmpl file??? If not I must have a problem with my .html suffix mapping.Also I've happened upon an anomoly ('cause I would never cry BUG knowing that Grant would just make me look foolish after showing me the errors of my ways...). Anyway here's my code which works for the most part: days.
And here's the problem: As I test the various pull-down options everthing appears to work fine - I get a small number of records with start dates in the next month, a greater number in the next 2 months etc. until I hit the 6 month/180 days option. For whatever reason it coughs and only gives me only 2-3 records instead of all the records that had been found with the earlier options as it should... Any ideas??-marty (Marty Schmid)


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