Re: wrong input values?

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numero = 12497
interpreted = N
texte = >My computer geek friend bashed webcatalog because it seems that there is no >way for it to check for illegal character strings within the [quantities] >box. > >For instance, if I entered ABC in the box, it would give a huge numeric value. > >Is there a way to check it so that an error page comes up if there is an >illegal value put in?You can put all your 'legal' values into a popup field, then your users don't even have a choice of entering an illegal value into a text box. That will solve the 'illegal input' problem very effectively once and for all ...You can probably take another approach to solve this problem, too. For example, maybe you can do some math on the value entered to determine if it is a number or some letters. Perhaps simply by dividing the entered value by 1 would make WebCat2 respond with either a number or nothing. I haven't tried this but it's easy to test and may be worth a try ...There may be even better ways to do this. One thing I have learned is that there's almost always a way to do something with WebCat2 ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: wrong input values? (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: wrong input values? (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  3. wrong input values? (Kevin Furuta 1997)
>My computer geek friend bashed webcatalog because it seems that there is no >way for it to check for illegal character strings within the [quantities] >box. > >For instance, if I entered ABC in the box, it would give a huge numeric value. > >Is there a way to check it so that an error page comes up if there is an >illegal value put in?You can put all your 'legal' values into a popup field, then your users don't even have a choice of entering an illegal value into a text box. That will solve the 'illegal input' problem very effectively once and for all ...You can probably take another approach to solve this problem, too. For example, maybe you can do some math on the value entered to determine if it is a number or some letters. Perhaps simply by dividing the entered value by 1 would make WebCat2 respond with either a number or nothing. I haven't tried this but it's easy to test and may be worth a try ...There may be even better ways to do this. One thing I have learned is that there's almost always a way to do something with WebCat2 ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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