Re: Giving out error pages

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numero = 12515
interpreted = N
texte = >I have had Wecat for only two weeks and perhps I am missing something. > >One thing that I notice is that there is little ability to give out error >pages when there is data missing or not inputed correctly. The [required] >field does that but the page that comes up, doesn't show us much. > >Is there plans in the next version to have error pages? Or is there a way >to do it now, and I am missing it because of my lack of knowledge? > >Thanks, >KevWhat type of errors?If it as simple as someone not filing in a field then you do it yourself using some of the code found in the PCS/Starnine examples. Like on a page you would append or replace try like this example[showif [form.firm]=]
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[/showif][showif []=]
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[/showif][showif [form.tradech]=]
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[/showif][showif [form.rtype]=]
You must click on one of the Job Function
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[/showif][showif [math]errorCount[/math]=0]
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[append /webcatalog/rep.db]sku=[form.sku]&firm=[URL][form.firm][/URL]&contact=[URL][][/URL]&addr1=[URL][form.addr1][/URL]&addr2=[URL][form.addr2][/U RL]&phnum=[URL][form.phnum][/URL]&faxnum=[URL][form.faxnum][/URL]&em=[form.e m]&hmpage=[form.hmpage]&tradech=[form.tradech]&rtype=[form.rtype][/append] [closedatabase /webcatalog/rep.db] [/showif]I have a simple text doc that contains all kinds of code snips that I cut and paste and edit into any new stuff I am making so I don't have to re-type all the time. The above missing field stuff is an example if somebody says doing it this way is to much to type everytime :)=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Giving out error pages (Marty Schmid 1997)
  2. Re: Giving out error pages ( (Gary Richter) 1997)
  3. Giving out error pages (Kevin Furuta 1997)
>I have had Wecat for only two weeks and perhps I am missing something. > >One thing that I notice is that there is little ability to give out error >pages when there is data missing or not inputed correctly. The [required] >field does that but the page that comes up, doesn't show us much. > >Is there plans in the next version to have error pages? Or is there a way >to do it now, and I am missing it because of my lack of knowledge? > >Thanks, >KevWhat type of errors?If it as simple as someone not filing in a field then you do it yourself using some of the code found in the PCS/Starnine examples. Like on a page you would append or replace try like this example[math]errorCount=0[/math]>[showif [form.firm]=]
You must enter a Rep Firm Name
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[math]errorCount=errorCount+1[/math]> [/showif][showif []=]
You must enter a Contact Name
Use your Browser back button to return to the previous page.
[math]errorCount=errorCount+1[/math]> [/showif][showif [form.tradech]=]
You must click on one of the Trade Channel buttons
Use your Browser back button to return to the previous page.
[math]errorCount=errorCount+1[/math]> [/showif][showif [form.rtype]=]
You must click on one of the Job Function
Use your Browser back button to return to the previous page.
[math]errorCount=errorCount+1[/math]> [/showif][showif [math]errorCount[/math]=0]
This New Rep Data is now in the Data Base

[append /webcatalog/rep.db]sku=[form.sku]&firm=[url][form.firm][/URL]&contact=[url][][/URL]&addr1=[url][form.addr1][/URL]&addr2=[url][form.addr2][/U RL]&phnum=[url][form.phnum][/URL]&faxnum=[url][form.faxnum][/URL]&em=[form.e m]&hmpage=[form.hmpage]&tradech=[form.tradech]&rtype=[form.rtype][/append] [closedatabase /webcatalog/rep.db] [/showif]I have a simple text doc that contains all kinds of code snips that I cut and paste and edit into any new stuff I am making so I don't have to re-type all the time. The above missing field stuff is an example if somebody says doing it this way is to much to type everytime :)=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== (Gary Richter)


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