WC2/Mac -- Forms not submitting correctly with Mac browsers

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numero = 12575
interpreted = N
texte = This refers back tp my earlier problem of last week. We have installed the final version of WC2 and have discovered a strange occurence with submitting forms with a Mac browser, namely Navigator 3.01 and 3.02. The site worked perfectly earlier in the week, but now, no dice. At first I got the error Error: Showcart requires that you specify a database.. I managed a workaround of that by putting the db=blah.db and cart=[cart] into the action of the form (ie. Action=order.tmpl$showcart?db=blah.db&cart=[cart]). This allowed a Mac browser user to actually get to the next page, but we have discovered that one of the text entry fields is not getting passed completely (the State field passes the first letter, but not the second) but the quantity is getting passed completely. This only happens on Netscape 3.01 and 3.02 for Mac that we know of. It works fine under Netscape 3.01 and 4.01 for Windows 95. I've gone through the code, and I have a complete form and everything, so I'm at a dead end.The page in question is . Thanks,John -- John S. Winningham john@webwrightinc.com Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WC2/Mac -- Forms not submitting correctly with Mac browsers (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. WC2/Mac -- Forms not submitting correctly with Mac browsers (John S. Winningham 1997)
This refers back tp my earlier problem of last week. We have installed the final version of WC2 and have discovered a strange occurence with submitting forms with a Mac browser, namely Navigator 3.01 and 3.02. The site worked perfectly earlier in the week, but now, no dice. At first I got the error Error: Showcart requires that you specify a database.. I managed a workaround of that by putting the db=blah.db and cart=[cart] into the action of the form (ie. Action=order.tmpl$showcart?db=blah.db&cart=[cart]). This allowed a Mac browser user to actually get to the next page, but we have discovered that one of the text entry fields is not getting passed completely (the State field passes the first letter, but not the second) but the quantity is getting passed completely. This only happens on Netscape 3.01 and 3.02 for Mac that we know of. It works fine under Netscape 3.01 and 4.01 for Windows 95. I've gone through the code, and I have a complete form and everything, so I'm at a dead end.The page in question is . Thanks,John -- John S. Winningham john@webwrightinc.com John S. Winningham


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