Re: emailer on Windows Beta 18

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numero = 12623
interpreted = N
texte = >I have a form that allows the user to input his email address and the >emailer will confirm by sending a message to that address. I was testing >it and just put the letter t in the email field and hit submit (I was >testing something else, and did not care if it emailed me or not). Twenty >minutes later my ISP called me saying that something was flooding their >mail server and cut me off. Apparently, Webcatalog kept trying to mail to >the user t and was ignoring the User doesn't exist that my ISP was >sending back to it, it just kept on trying! Is there anything I can do to >stop this? What happens if a user enters a legal username but mispells it?B19 uses a separate emailer application which should eliminate this problem ...Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: emailer on Windows Beta 18 (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: emailer on Windows Beta 18 (Jonathan Krainak 1997)
  3. Re: emailer on Windows Beta 18 (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  4. Re: emailer on Windows Beta 18 (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  5. Re: emailer on Windows Beta 18 (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  6. emailer on Windows Beta 18 (Jonathan Krainak 1997)
>I have a form that allows the user to input his email address and the >emailer will confirm by sending a message to that address. I was testing >it and just put the letter t in the email field and hit submit (I was >testing something else, and did not care if it emailed me or not). Twenty >minutes later my ISP called me saying that something was flooding their >mail server and cut me off. Apparently, Webcatalog kept trying to mail to >the user t and was ignoring the User doesn't exist that my ISP was >sending back to it, it just kept on trying! Is there anything I can do to >stop this? What happens if a user enters a legal username but mispells it?B19 uses a separate emailer application which should eliminate this problem ...Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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