Purchased cart being overwritten

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numero = 13180
interpreted = N
texte = On a store I am just completing, when the customer clicks purchase after entering his credit card info a thankyou.tmpl page is returned and the cart file is transferred to the Orders folder. A context on the top of the thankyou.tmpl logs the order into an orders database from which the order can then be managed.After performing a purchase, I backed up in my browser, both IE and Netscape to a shopping page. Admittedly my cart was empty but the same cart number was in the url. I then continued shopping, and another cart file was generated with the same number as the previous one (now residing in the Orders folder). I then shopped around and concluded my purchase and this new cart was then transferred to the orders folder and overwrote the earlier one. This is a serious problem which could cause a serious loss if someone did this. Can anyone point me to a solution for this? Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. RE: Purchased cart being overwritten (Rob Schmidt 1997)
  2. Re: Purchased cart being overwritten - still !?? (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: Purchased cart being overwritten - still !?? (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Purchased cart being overwritten - still !?? (Rob Schmidt 1997)
  5. Re: Purchased cart being overwritten - still !?? (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  6. RE: Purchased cart being overwritten - still !?? (Marc Eagle 1997)
  7. Purchased cart being overwritten - still !?? (Rob Schmidt 1997)
  8. RE: Purchased cart being overwritten (Marc Eagle 1997)
  9. Purchased cart being overwritten (Rob Schmidt 1997)
On a store I am just completing, when the customer clicks purchase after entering his credit card info a thankyou.tmpl page is returned and the cart file is transferred to the Orders folder. A context on the top of the thankyou.tmpl logs the order into an orders database from which the order can then be managed.After performing a purchase, I backed up in my browser, both IE and Netscape to a shopping page. Admittedly my cart was empty but the same cart number was in the url. I then continued shopping, and another cart file was generated with the same number as the previous one (now residing in the Orders folder). I then shopped around and concluded my purchase and this new cart was then transferred to the orders folder and overwrote the earlier one. This is a serious problem which could cause a serious loss if someone did this. Can anyone point me to a solution for this? Rob Schmidt


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