Re: Cart#

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numero = 13697
interpreted = N
texte = >Is there a way to make the cart number start out smaller? mine are like >20192938372982 long, and I want to use those as customer numbers, but >they don't need to be that long.. maybe like 7 long or somthing.No ... I think cart numbers are generated based on a formula that guarantees uniqueness - so if you shorten it, uniqueness is no longer guaranteed.Why not use a different method of generating customer numbers?The following WebDNA should append a new record to the customers.db database with a customer number that's one higher than the highest previous customer number in that database. Just make sure you start with a customer.db that has at least one record with a positive integer in the customerNumber field ... like the number 1 for example ... :)[append db=customer.db]customerNumber=[math][search db=customer.db&necustomerNumber=0&customerNumberType=num&decustomerNumberSort=1& max=1][founditems][customerNumber][/founditems][/search]+1[/math][/append] öïùíSincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Refresh cart# (Robert Kudrle 1999)
  2. Re: Refresh cart# (Robert Kudrle 1999)
  3. Re: Refresh cart# (John Butler 1999)
  4. Re: Refresh cart# (Robert Kudrle 1999)
  5. Re: Refresh cart# (Michael O Shea 1999)
  6. Refresh cart# (Robert Kudrle 1999)
  7. Re: Refresh cart# (Brian B. Burton 1999)
  8. Re: Cart# (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  9. Cart# (Jason Darpa 1997)
>Is there a way to make the cart number start out smaller? mine are like >20192938372982 long, and I want to use those as customer numbers, but >they don't need to be that long.. maybe like 7 long or somthing.No ... I think cart numbers are generated based on a formula that guarantees uniqueness - so if you shorten it, uniqueness is no longer guaranteed.Why not use a different method of generating customer numbers?The following WebDNA should append a new record to the customers.db database with a customer number that's one higher than the highest previous customer number in that database. Just make sure you start with a customer.db that has at least one record with a positive integer in the customerNumber field ... like the number 1 for example ... :)[append db=customer.db]customerNumber=[math][search db=customer.db&necustomerNumber=0&customerNumberType=num&decustomerNumberSort=1& max=1][founditems][customerNumber][/founditems][/search]+1[/math][/append] öïùíSincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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