Re: authenticating a second user

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numero = 14366
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texte = >This was posted on the webstar talk but could me even more useful here. > >>>>>>For all the programming I've done in html, I've not found a way to force >>>>>>the dialogue box requesting the user name and password without using >realms >>>>>>or the Lasso security databases. >>>>>If you were using Typhoon, I could show you how to do this -- VERY >>>>>EASILY. And no, it does not require the use of the Typhoon database >>>>>... but you could use it if you wanted to ... :) >>> >>>You are interresting me, I would like to do the same with Webcatalog >>>(which use WebDNA too). Can you share with us the scripts you uses ? >> >>Use either the [PROTECT] or the [AUTHENTICATE] tags. It's in the docs - or >>take a look at the TeaRoom or General Store examples. > >What happens when a user has already authenticate himself on a >workstation (with a valid ID) and a NEW user using the same computer >(without relaunching the browser) comes in. There is no way I know to >force the authenticating dialog box to appear as the previous user has >already registered. It would be useful to have way to shwo up the dialog >box.How do you plan to deal with the security issues raised by having one user jump on a browser that already has the previous user's username and password cached in it?That's a security issue you need to resolve on your workstation, or else the second user will have access to everything the first user had access to, simply because neither the browser nor the server has any way of knowing that the last person to enter a username/password is no longer the person using the browser!If you really aren't bothered by this security issue at your workstation, then I will tell you that both WebCatalog and Typhoon can make the browser's authentication dialog box appear whenever the user clicks a form button or a hyperlink. It's simple to code in WebDNA. Do you understand WebDNA well enough to write it yourself?Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: authenticating a second user, the sequel (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. authenticating a second user, the sequel (Laurent Pladys 1997)
  3. Re: authenticating a second user (ltpladys 1997)
  4. Re: authenticating a second user (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  5. Re: authenticating a second user (Christer Olsson 1997)
  6. Re: authenticating a second user (ltpladys 1997)
  7. Re: authenticating a second user (ltpladys 1997)
  8. Re: authenticating a second user (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  9. authenticating a second user (ltpladys 1997)
>This was posted on the webstar talk but could me even more useful here. > >>>>>>For all the programming I've done in html, I've not found a way to force >>>>>>the dialogue box requesting the user name and password without using >realms >>>>>>or the Lasso security databases. >>>>>If you were using Typhoon, I could show you how to do this -- VERY >>>>>EASILY. And no, it does not require the use of the Typhoon database >>>>>... but you could use it if you wanted to ... :) >>> >>>You are interresting me, I would like to do the same with Webcatalog >>>(which use WebDNA too). Can you share with us the scripts you uses ? >> >>Use either the [protect] or the [authenticate] tags. It's in the docs - or >>take a look at the TeaRoom or General Store examples. > >What happens when a user has already authenticate himself on a >workstation (with a valid ID) and a NEW user using the same computer >(without relaunching the browser) comes in. There is no way I know to >force the authenticating dialog box to appear as the previous user has >already registered. It would be useful to have way to shwo up the dialog >box.How do you plan to deal with the security issues raised by having one user jump on a browser that already has the previous user's username and password cached in it?That's a security issue you need to resolve on your workstation, or else the second user will have access to everything the first user had access to, simply because neither the browser nor the server has any way of knowing that the last person to enter a username/password is no longer the person using the browser!If you really aren't bothered by this security issue at your workstation, then I will tell you that both WebCatalog and Typhoon can make the browser's authentication dialog box appear whenever the user clicks a form button or a hyperlink. It's simple to code in WebDNA. Do you understand WebDNA well enough to write it yourself?Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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