Secure Server basic question...

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numero = 15644
interpreted = N
texte = Hi, I'm new to Web Cat and I have not seen much discussion on secure servers, and nothing in the manual. Is there a FAQ? Is there some sample webDNA code I've missed?If this question is answered then please point to the info, otherwise:Is there a way *not* to have my secure server and regular server in the same directory (folder) on my server?I also assume that the secure server needs a Web Cat plug-in.Sorry about the basic questions.TIA- Jim Lanford Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Secure Server basic question... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Re: Secure Server basic question... (Pat McCormick 1997)
  3. Re: Secure Server basic question... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Secure Server basic question... (Jim Lanford 1997)
Hi, I'm new to Web Cat and I have not seen much discussion on secure servers, and nothing in the manual. Is there a FAQ? Is there some sample webDNA code I've missed?If this question is answered then please point to the info, otherwise:Is there a way *not* to have my secure server and regular server in the same directory (folder) on my server?I also assume that the secure server needs a Web Cat plug-in.Sorry about the basic questions.TIA- Jim Lanford Jim Lanford


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