Re: Browser Problem?!? POST forms and NN 4.0+ browsers

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numero = 15690
interpreted = N
texte = >I will see error messages when using View: Page Source. In >addition, [showif] doesn't seem to work on my invoice page, sending me >to an >unsecure ThankYou page instead of the SSL server (despite using the exact >same code that correctly sends a browser to the SSL server for the invoice >page, as Ken observed in his note this weekend.) I haven't had time to test your pages (or sleep for that matter), but I found that once I entered SSL server, the [showif] secure logic doesn't work anymore. Netscape doesnt seem to broadcast the browser type in SSL mode. If you are in SSL, it will toggle to non-SSL if you reapply the test. We had to design parallel paths for non-SSL customers. good luck!Sandyps you can test to see if browser information is being passed by putting that variable on your page and see what WebCat sees. Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

>I will see error messages when using View: Page Source. In >addition, [showif] doesn't seem to work on my invoice page, sending me >to an >unsecure ThankYou page instead of the SSL server (despite using the exact >same code that correctly sends a browser to the SSL server for the invoice >page, as Ken observed in his note this weekend.) I haven't had time to test your pages (or sleep for that matter), but I found that once I entered SSL server, the [showif] secure logic doesn't work anymore. Netscape doesnt seem to broadcast the browser type in SSL mode. If you are in SSL, it will toggle to non-SSL if you reapply the test. We had to design parallel paths for non-SSL customers. good luck!Sandyps you can test to see if browser information is being passed by putting that variable on your page and see what WebCat sees. Sandra L. Pitner


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