Re: WebDNA tags in WebMerchant email templates ...

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numero = 15756
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texte = >>Can I include WebDNA tags and contexts in WebMerchant email templates >>... to have additional processing done *after* the customer's credit >>cards are actually authorized?>I tried this under the naive assumption that WebDNA would work. It >doesn't.Aha, that's what I was afraid of ...That means I *cannot* make WebCat automatically assign serial numbers to software purchases *after* a credit card purchase has been approved ... and that means I am forced into one of two work-arounds. I can either ...1 - Assign serial numbers at the time of the WebCat $purchase command, and hope that the cc approval actually takes place. But that means whenever an attempted approval fails, I will have to go into my serialnumbers.db file and manually *reverse* the changes made by WebCat for those failed purchases ...OR ...2 - Don't even think about using WebCat to assign serial numbers until AFTER the cc charges are approved. Of course, that means I cannot deliver the customer's serial numbers via email, at least until after I make the customer come *back* to the web site -- to activate a special template that runs my [replace] context that issues valid serial numbers to that customer.It's understandable that WebMerchant cannot interpret the WebDNA contexts in its email messages itself. After all, WebMerchant does NOT have to be a WebCatalog clone ...But why can't WebMerchant *at least* invoke WebCat to process selected WebMerchant email templates?We all know that the only time it makes any sense to do SOME eCommerce tasks is AFTER the customer's cc charges have been approved, right? So if WebMerchant cannot interpret the WebDNA we want to use in WebMerchant's email confirmation messages, then it only makes sense to have WebCatalog -- not WebMerchant -- interpret those templates instead.So let's ask the good guys at PCS to give us a WebMerchant that will force WebCatalog to interpret selected WebMerchant email messages ... then we can use WebDNA on our sites wherever we actually need it! :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebDNA tags in WebMerchant email templates ... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Re: WebDNA tags in WebMerchant email templates ... (Nathan Hyde 1997)
  3. Re: WebDNA tags in WebMerchant email templates ... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Re: WebDNA tags in WebMerchant email templates ... (Sandra L. Pitner 1997)
  5. Re: WebDNA tags in WebMerchant email templates ... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  6. WebDNA tags in WebMerchant email templates ... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  7. Re: WebDNA tags in WebMerchant email templates ... (Sandra L. Pitner 1997)
>>Can I include WebDNA tags and contexts in WebMerchant email templates >>... to have additional processing done *after* the customer's credit >>cards are actually authorized?>I tried this under the naive assumption that WebDNA would work. It >doesn't.Aha, that's what I was afraid of ...That means I *cannot* make WebCat automatically assign serial numbers to software purchases *after* a credit card purchase has been approved ... and that means I am forced into one of two work-arounds. I can either ...1 - Assign serial numbers at the time of the WebCat $purchase command, and hope that the cc approval actually takes place. But that means whenever an attempted approval fails, I will have to go into my serialnumbers.db file and manually *reverse* the changes made by WebCat for those failed purchases ...OR ...2 - Don't even think about using WebCat to assign serial numbers until AFTER the cc charges are approved. Of course, that means I cannot deliver the customer's serial numbers via email, at least until after I make the customer come *back* to the web site -- to activate a special template that runs my [replace] context that issues valid serial numbers to that customer.It's understandable that WebMerchant cannot interpret the WebDNA contexts in its email messages itself. After all, WebMerchant does NOT have to be a WebCatalog clone ...But why can't WebMerchant *at least* invoke WebCat to process selected WebMerchant email templates?We all know that the only time it makes any sense to do SOME eCommerce tasks is AFTER the customer's cc charges have been approved, right? So if WebMerchant cannot interpret the WebDNA we want to use in WebMerchant's email confirmation messages, then it only makes sense to have WebCatalog -- not WebMerchant -- interpret those templates instead.So let's ask the good guys at PCS to give us a WebMerchant that will force WebCatalog to interpret selected WebMerchant email messages ... then we can use WebDNA on our sites wherever we actually need it! :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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