Re: webCatalog and Stocks

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numero = 16785
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texte = >Before the items are displayed on the cart page, I go through a [LINEITEMS] >loop to check the ordered quantity against the available inventory. If the >customer wants more than is available, I readjust their quantity and make a >note in htat line item: > >[LINEITEMS] >[SHOWIF [QUANTITY]>[LOOKUP >db=MYDB.db&value=[SKU]&lookinfield=SKU&ReturnField=Inventory]] >[SETLINEITEM CART=[CART]&INDEX=[LINEINDEX]]QUANTITY=[LOOKUP >db=MYDB.db&value=[SKU]&lookinfield=SKU&ReturnField=Inventory]&TEXTA=OVER[/SETLI >N >EITEM] >[/SHOWIF] >[/LINEITEMS] > >Then, when displaying the items later in the page, I say something like: > >[LINEITEMS] >[QUANITY][SHOWIF [TEXTA]=OVER](You have requested more than we have in >stock. Your order had been adjusted.)[/SHOWIF] >[SETLINEITEM CART=[CART]&INDEX=[LINEINDEX]]TEXTA=[/SETLINEITEM] >[/LINEITEMS] > >Now the customer sees how much they can order, and I can erase the note >from the lineitem. > >MichaelThank you Michael, your source has been very helpful for the resolution of my problem. But now I've another trouble: what happens if someone do not complete the order and close connection? I need to set a timeout after which webcatalog cancel the suspend order. I.e, I'm managing a DB in which some products have inventory=1. Anytime someone order one of this product, Webcatalog add it in a cart and baffle the order. So if a user do not want to bye product in the cart and do not remove it but simply close connection, WebCat do not permit to another user to order it.What can I do for the resolution of this problem? ThanksGiovanna Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: webCatalog and Stocks (Giovanna Petrachi 1998)
  2. Re: webCatalog and Stocks (Michael Winston 1998)
  3. Re: webCatalog and Stocks (Giovanna Petrachi 1998)
  4. Re: webCatalog and Stocks (Michael Winston 1998)
  5. Re: webCatalog and Stocks (Giovanna Petrachi 1998)
  6. Re:webCatalog and Stocks (Jay Van Vark 1998)
  7. Re: webCatalog and Stocks ( (Gary Richter) 1998)
  8. webCatalog and Stocks (Giovanna Petrachi 1998)
>Before the items are displayed on the cart page, I go through a [lineitems] >loop to check the ordered quantity against the available inventory. If the >customer wants more than is available, I readjust their quantity and make a >note in htat line item: > >[lineitems] >[SHOWIF [QUANTITY]>[LOOKUP >db=MYDB.db&value=[SKU]&lookinfield=SKU&ReturnField=Inventory]] >[SETLINEITEM CART=[cart]&INDEX=[LINEINDEX]]QUANTITY=[LOOKUP >db=MYDB.db&value=[SKU]&lookinfield=SKU&ReturnField=Inventory]&TEXTA=OVER[/SETLI >N >EITEM] >[/SHOWIF] >[/LINEITEMS] > >Then, when displaying the items later in the page, I say something like: > >[lineitems] >[QUANITY][SHOWIF [TEXTA]=OVER](You have requested more than we have in >stock. Your order had been adjusted.)[/SHOWIF] >[SETLINEITEM CART=[cart]&INDEX=[LINEINDEX]]TEXTA=[/SETLINEITEM] >[/LINEITEMS] > >Now the customer sees how much they can order, and I can erase the note >from the lineitem. > >MichaelThank you Michael, your source has been very helpful for the resolution of my problem. But now I've another trouble: what happens if someone do not complete the order and close connection? I need to set a timeout after which webcatalog cancel the suspend order. I.e, I'm managing a DB in which some products have inventory=1. Anytime someone order one of this product, Webcatalog add it in a cart and baffle the order. So if a user do not want to bye product in the cart and do not remove it but simply close connection, WebCat do not permit to another user to order it.What can I do for the resolution of this problem? ThanksGiovanna Giovanna Petrachi


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