sendmail and accented characters

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numero = 17481
interpreted = N
texte = [Off_Topic] First of all, excuse my english. On mid april, my boss ordered me to throw out Tango/Butler and to use WebCatlog as a development system. After 3 weeks of work I have setup a solution that needed 3 months with Tang/Butler for three people. Convinced, my boss ordered immediately webcatalog from starnine. Today is a big day for me! I like the Tango development system, but there's no comparison with the power of webcatalog and the high level support of this mail list as I can imagine after reading the archive. So thanks for this outstanding product and for the quality of this list. [/Off_Topic]I have found most of my answers in the archive. There's just one question about sending email with accented characters that I can't solve. It seems ConvertChars context doesn't help when the email contains information with accented chars. It's mainly about the names, the city and the address submitted from the invoice/order form (with accented chars). I have no problem to display accented chars when the information comes from the database. I have tried everything as suggested in the threads, putting all the needed chars in the standardconversion file, setting mime-version to 1.0 in the mail header, putting , in all the HTML pages, but I don't succeed to send emails containing french characters. I am probably missing something. Could you help me please? It's an important issue for me.h#233#l#232#ne Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: sendmail and accented characters (helene 1998)
  2. Re: sendmail and accented characters (Christer Olsson 1998)
  3. Re: sendmail and accented characters (helene 1998)
  4. Re: sendmail and accented characters (Christer Olsson 1998)
  5. sendmail and accented characters ( 1998)
[Off_Topic] First of all, excuse my english. On mid april, my boss ordered me to throw out Tango/Butler and to use WebCatlog as a development system. After 3 weeks of work I have setup a solution that needed 3 months with Tang/Butler for three people. Convinced, my boss ordered immediately webcatalog from starnine. Today is a big day for me! I like the Tango development system, but there's no comparison with the power of webcatalog and the high level support of this mail list as I can imagine after reading the archive. So thanks for this outstanding product and for the quality of this list. [/Off_Topic]I have found most of my answers in the archive. There's just one question about sending email with accented characters that I can't solve. It seems ConvertChars context doesn't help when the email contains information with accented chars. It's mainly about the names, the city and the address submitted from the invoice/order form (with accented chars). I have no problem to display accented chars when the information comes from the database. I have tried everything as suggested in the threads, putting all the needed chars in the standardconversion file, setting mime-version to 1.0 in the mail header, putting , in all the HTML pages, but I don't succeed to send emails containing french characters. I am probably missing something. Could you help me please? It's an important issue for me.h#233#l#232#ne


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