verify email address

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numero = 17777
interpreted = N
texte = Does someone have a good solution to check the syntax of email addresses after user input?I have a working piece of code now but I'm not happy with it. It runs through the address with [getchars] and does a lookup for each character in a database to find out wether it is allowed or not. And It checks the presence of @ and a dot. Now, while making this better, it grows and grows... I would have to add two or three sets of characters for different platforms. And I want to check for multiple @, for trailing dots, and so on - long code for a rather simple task. I wonder if I am on the right way - any ideas? Maybe there is a hidden feature [ValidEmail] which works like [ValidCard]...;-)TIA, Peter __________________________________________ Peter Ostry - - Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: verify email address (Brian B. Burton 1998)
  2. verify email address (Peter Ostry 1998)
  3. RE: How to verify email address (Marc Eagle 1997)
  4. How to verify email address (Rob Schmidt 1997)
  5. How to verify email address (Rob Schmidt 1997)
  6. How to verify email address (Rob Schmidt 1997)
Does someone have a good solution to check the syntax of email addresses after user input?I have a working piece of code now but I'm not happy with it. It runs through the address with [getchars] and does a lookup for each character in a database to find out wether it is allowed or not. And It checks the presence of @ and a dot. Now, while making this better, it grows and grows... I would have to add two or three sets of characters for different platforms. And I want to check for multiple @, for trailing dots, and so on - long code for a rather simple task. I wonder if I am on the right way - any ideas? Maybe there is a hidden feature [ValidEmail] which works like [validcard]...;-)TIA, Peter __________________________________________ Peter Ostry - - Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21 Peter Ostry


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