Re: gateway application timeouts

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numero = 18543
interpreted = N
texte = >>>this can happen serving nothing more then a straight HTML page with NO >>>webcat commands in it at all (at least that is the last page served before >>>the crash, according to the WebCat debug file we keep).If this is true, then you should set your prefs to NOT serve pages unless they have the tag in them. That way you can eliminate any possibility of WebCat trying to interpret something on those pages and getting jammed up for some unknown reason, because then you know for a fact that WebCat is ignoring those untagged pages.That's why I asked about your InterpretAll preference. If that pref is set to F, then you can easily eliminate the pages *without* that tag as potential problem pages ... which means it has to be one of the *other* pages (the ones with the tags) causing the problems ... >>If WebCat is actually serving that last page, it may be doing it from a >>different thread than the one that's causing the hang-ups, so the last >>page in the logs is probably *not* always going to be the page that's >>causing the problems -- but one of the last few pages in the logs *should* >>include the problem page ... > >Can anyone from PCS confirm this? We were told months ago that the last >page served in the debug file is the one that caused the problem...Good idea to ask, because my understanding of multithreading is that with several threads running at the same time, one could be sitting there spinning its wheels while the others continue to send pages to the server where they would be logged and served as usual, thus making the problem page *NOT* the last page in the log ... >>What's the server's timeout value set to? Have you tried doubling that >>value to see if that change makes any difference? > >Offhand, I don't know what the timeout value is. I'll have a look at that >tomorrow. I'm prety sure it's whatever the default value is. The server >doesn't seem to be the problem.You're probably right, but whenever you have a timeout error there's a possibility that you could fix it simply by increasing the timeout value so WebCat will have more time to return the page the server is waiting for. Try it and see what happens, maybe that's all you have to do! :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: gateway application timeouts (Karl Schroll 1998)
  2. Re: gateway application timeouts (Karl Schroll 1998)
  3. Re: gateway application timeouts (Sandra L. Pitner 1998)
  4. Re: gateway application timeouts (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  5. Re: gateway application timeouts (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  6. Re: gateway application timeouts (Gil Poulsen 1998)
  7. Re: gateway application timeouts (Karl Schroll 1998)
  8. Re: gateway application timeouts (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  9. Re: gateway application timeouts (Karl Schroll 1998)
  10. Re: gateway application timeouts (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  11. gateway application timeouts (Karl Schroll 1998)
>>>this can happen serving nothing more then a straight HTML page with NO >>>webcat commands in it at all (at least that is the last page served before >>>the crash, according to the WebCat debug file we keep).If this is true, then you should set your prefs to NOT serve pages unless they have the tag in them. That way you can eliminate any possibility of WebCat trying to interpret something on those pages and getting jammed up for some unknown reason, because then you know for a fact that WebCat is ignoring those untagged pages.That's why I asked about your InterpretAll preference. If that pref is set to F, then you can easily eliminate the pages *without* that tag as potential problem pages ... which means it has to be one of the *other* pages (the ones with the tags) causing the problems ... >>If WebCat is actually serving that last page, it may be doing it from a >>different thread than the one that's causing the hang-ups, so the last >>page in the logs is probably *not* always going to be the page that's >>causing the problems -- but one of the last few pages in the logs *should* >>include the problem page ... > >Can anyone from PCS confirm this? We were told months ago that the last >page served in the debug file is the one that caused the problem...Good idea to ask, because my understanding of multithreading is that with several threads running at the same time, one could be sitting there spinning its wheels while the others continue to send pages to the server where they would be logged and served as usual, thus making the problem page *NOT* the last page in the log ... >>What's the server's timeout value set to? Have you tried doubling that >>value to see if that change makes any difference? > >Offhand, I don't know what the timeout value is. I'll have a look at that >tomorrow. I'm prety sure it's whatever the default value is. The server >doesn't seem to be the problem.You're probably right, but whenever you have a timeout error there's a possibility that you could fix it simply by increasing the timeout value so WebCat will have more time to return the page the server is waiting for. Try it and see what happens, maybe that's all you have to do! :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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