Re: Ship Cost Calculated via Subtotal

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texte = David,Here's one that compares based on subtotal and then it goes to the ShipCosts.db to see if there is any additional cost for RUSH shipping versus STANDARD shipping.The breaks are < 30 4.95 30-60 6.95 60-100 8.95 100-150 10.95 150-250 12.95 250+ 16.95Standard Ship 0.00 RUSH Ship 14.00 In formulas.dbshipCost [hideif [subTotal]>30.00][showif [subTotal]<30.00][math]4.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif][hideif [subTotal]>60.00][showif [subTotal]<60.00][math]6.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif] [hideif [subTotal]>100.00][showif [subTotal]<100.00][math]8.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif] [hideif [subTotal]>150.00][showif [subTotal]<150.00][math]10.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif] [hideif [subTotal]>250.00][showif [subTotal]<250.00][math]12.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif][hideif [subTotal]>100000.00][showif [subTotal]<100000.00][math]16.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif] In ShipCosts.dbShipMethod ShipExtra Standard Shipping 0.00 Rush Shipping 14.00Hope it helps.Bill >Hello > I would like to calculate the shipping cost based on the subtotal. >Could someone show me the best way to do this. What I would like to do >is have a database that holds the cost of shipping. If the subtotal is >less than or equal to $25 dollars make the shipping cost $10. > >Subtotal ShipCost >Subtotal <= $25 $10 >Subtotal <= $75 $7 >Subtotal <= $100 $3 > >Thank You In Advance >David Greensfelder >Origin Technology In Business >8044 Montgomery Rd. Suite 200W >Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 >513-985-1414 > -- Bill Heissenbuttel PageHouse, Inc. Internet Presence Provider (509) 892-1973 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Ship Cost Calculated via Subtotal (Bill Heissenbuttel 1998)
  2. Re: Ship Cost Calculated via Subtotal (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  3. Ship Cost Calculated via Subtotal (Greensfelder, David 1998)
David,Here's one that compares based on subtotal and then it goes to the ShipCosts.db to see if there is any additional cost for RUSH shipping versus STANDARD shipping.The breaks are < 30 4.95 30-60 6.95 60-100 8.95 100-150 10.95 150-250 12.95 250+ 16.95Standard Ship 0.00 RUSH Ship 14.00 In formulas.dbshipCost [hideif [subTotal]>30.00][showif [subTotal]<30.00][math]4.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif][hideif [subTotal]>60.00][showif [subTotal]<60.00][math]6.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif] [hideif [subTotal]>100.00][showif [subTotal]<100.00][math]8.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif] [hideif [subTotal]>150.00][showif [subTotal]<150.00][math]10.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif] [hideif [subTotal]>250.00][showif [subTotal]<250.00][math]12.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif][hideif [subTotal]>100000.00][showif [subTotal]<100000.00][math]16.95+[lookup db=ShipCosts.db&lookInField=ShipMethod&value=[shipVia]&returnField=ShipExtra][/m ath][/showif][/hideif] In ShipCosts.dbShipMethod ShipExtra Standard Shipping 0.00 Rush Shipping 14.00Hope it helps.Bill >Hello > I would like to calculate the shipping cost based on the subtotal. >Could someone show me the best way to do this. What I would like to do >is have a database that holds the cost of shipping. If the subtotal is >less than or equal to $25 dollars make the shipping cost $10. > >Subtotal ShipCost >Subtotal <= $25 $10 >Subtotal <= $75 $7 >Subtotal <= $100 $3 > >Thank You In Advance >David Greensfelder >Origin Technology In Business >8044 Montgomery Rd. Suite 200W >Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 >513-985-1414 > -- Bill Heissenbuttel PageHouse, Inc. Internet Presence Provider (509) 892-1973 Bill Heissenbuttel


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