Why does lineitems loop in sendmail = crash ?

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numero = 26279
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texte = Here is stripped down webdna only :When lineitems loop is removed from sendmail context it crashes my webcat.What have I done wrong?Regards,Philip Edell.[orderfile cart=[cart]][SetHeader cart=[cart]]payMethod=[showif [useAC]=T]AC[/showif][hideif [useAC]=T]CC[/hideif]&[formvariables name=__&exact=F][getchars start=3][name][/getchars]=[url][value][/url]&[/formvariables][/SetHead er] [cart] [lineItems] [lineIndex][SKU][texta][textd][textc][textb][price][format 6.2f][math][quantity]*[price][/math][/format][/lineItems][grandTotal][ShipToname][address1][address2][ShipToaddress1][ShipToaddress2] [city] State: [state] Zip: [zip][ShipTocity][ShipTostate][ShipTozip] [country][ShipTocountry][phone][ShipTophone] [email][ShipToemail][accountNum]&Subject=Order #[cart] Thank you for your order!][lineitems] [lineIndex][SKU][texta][textd][textc][textb][price] [/lineitems][/sendmail] [/orderfile]------------------------------------------------------------- Brought to you by CommuniGate Pro - The Buzz Word Compliant Messaging Server. To end your Mail problems go to .This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. [Correction] Re: Why does lineitems loop in sendmail = crash ? (Philip Edell 2000)
  2. Why does lineitems loop in sendmail = crash ? (Philip Edell 2000)
Here is stripped down webdna only :When lineitems loop is removed from sendmail context it crashes my webcat.What have I done wrong?Regards,Philip Edell.[orderfile cart=[cart]][SetHeader cart=[cart]]payMethod=[showif [useAC]=T]AC[/showif][hideif [useAC]=T]CC[/hideif]&[formvariables name=__&exact=F][getchars start=3][name][/getchars]=[url][value][/url]&[/formvariables][/SetHead er] [cart] [lineitems] [lineIndex][SKU][texta][textd][textc][textb][price][format 6.2f][math][quantity]*[price][/math][/format][/lineItems][grandTotal][ShipToname][address1][address2][ShipToaddress1][ShipToaddress2] [city] State: [state] Zip: [zip][ShipTocity][ShipTostate][ShipTozip] [country][ShipTocountry][phone][ShipTophone] [email][ShipToemail][accountNum]&Subject=Order #[cart] Thank you for your order!][lineitems] [lineIndex][SKU][texta][textd][textc][textb][price] [/lineitems][/sendmail] [/orderfile]------------------------------------------------------------- Brought to you by CommuniGate Pro - The Buzz Word Compliant Messaging Server. To end your Mail problems go to .This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Philip Edell


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