sendmail and proper header formatting

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 62806
interpreted = N
texte = I'm crafting [sendmail]s for a site and using the following headers in the context: &from="[contactname]" <[contactemail]>&reply-to=[contactemail]& [contactname] is just the person's name and the other obviously is their email address. is this correct formatting for the From header? It shows up fine in my email client, and sends and receives fine from my mail server, but I'm wondering if there's a standard for this, vis a vis SMTP mail servers and spam safeguards. Could I get away with just &from="[contactname]"&reply-to=[contactemail]& or &from=[contactname]&reply-to=[contactemail]& or do I need a legit email address there as long as I have reply-to covered? Thanks, Terry -- Terry Wilson | | - a simplified, affordable online reservation system -- stylish protection for your laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attitude is the only difference between ordeal and adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: sendmail and proper header formatting ( sal danna 2005)
  2. sendmail and proper header formatting ( Terry Wilson 2005)
I'm crafting [sendmail]s for a site and using the following headers in the context: &from="[contactname]" <[contactemail]>&reply-to=[contactemail]& [contactname] is just the person's name and the other obviously is their email address. is this correct formatting for the From header? It shows up fine in my email client, and sends and receives fine from my mail server, but I'm wondering if there's a standard for this, vis a vis SMTP mail servers and spam safeguards. Could I get away with just &from="[contactname]"&reply-to=[contactemail]& or &from=[contactname]&reply-to=[contactemail]& or do I need a legit email address there as long as I have reply-to covered? Thanks, Terry -- Terry Wilson | | - a simplified, affordable online reservation system -- stylish protection for your laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attitude is the only difference between ordeal and adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Terry Wilson


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