numero = 197WebDNA automatically closes databases when it needs more memory, so you typically do not need to use this tag.
Adding 'commit=F' will cause the specified database file to be closed but not written to disk, so any unsaved changes will be lost
Putting [closedatabase db=name.db] in your template causes the specified database file (or full path) to be written and closed. This is only needed for special cases (usually before appending to a file) where you need to change a file perhaps cached in RAM.WebDNA automatically closes databases when it needs more memory, so you typically do not need to use this tag.
Adding 'commit=F' will cause the specified database file to be closed but not written to disk, so any unsaved changes will be lost
This Technical Change History provides a reverse chronological list of WebDNA changes...
AWS Raw WebDNA LAMP-Plus WebServerAmazon Web Services (AWS) README for Machine Image ID...
F.A.QA compilation of some user's questions...
Download WebDNA ApplicationsWebDNA applications...
WebDNA LibrariesA list of available libraries for WebDNA...
WebDNA ModulesA list of the currently available modules...
Explicitly define a block of WebDNA code that has a separate variable space...
[math][math] calculates equations using numbers...
[setlineitem]Modify an existing line item in an order file...
[referrer]Displays the URL of the referring page...
[countchars]Counts the number of letters inside the context...
[sendmail]There is hardly a website that doesn't at some point need to send an email...