Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request

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numero = 10142
interpreted = N
texte = >I think an annual maintenance fee would be fair. Whether to raise the initial >price is a tough question. There are a lot of products which claim to compete.Yes, I like Metrowerk's model of a yearly 'subscription' where the annual upgrade fee is somewhat less than the initial price of the product.I understand there are some products that claim to compete, although in the full commerce scenario we are the least expensive by a factor of 2.5 -- understand this is not an issue of greed, we just want to be able to afford to continue putting the engineering dollars into our products so our customers can get incredible software from us for years to come. It doesn't do anybody any good if we underprice our products to the point that we can't give proper tech support.Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | Tools for WebWarriors Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebCommerce Solution 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, #462 | SiteEdit, SiteCheck, PhotoMill San Diego, CA 92128 | 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request (Todd Mathews 1996)
  2. Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request ( (Matthew Steele) 1996)
  3. Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request (Grant Hulbert 1996)
  4. Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request (Grant Hulbert 1996)
  5. Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request (Jim Shaughnessy 1996)
  6. Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request (Jim Shaughnessy 1996)
  7. Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request (Grant Hulbert 1996)
  8. Re:2nd WebCatalog2 Feature Request (Todd Mathews 1996)
>I think an annual maintenance fee would be fair. Whether to raise the initial >price is a tough question. There are a lot of products which claim to compete.Yes, I like Metrowerk's model of a yearly 'subscription' where the annual upgrade fee is somewhat less than the initial price of the product.I understand there are some products that claim to compete, although in the full commerce scenario we are the least expensive by a factor of 2.5 -- understand this is not an issue of greed, we just want to be able to afford to continue putting the engineering dollars into our products so our customers can get incredible software from us for years to come. It doesn't do anybody any good if we underprice our products to the point that we can't give proper tech support.Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | Tools for WebWarriors Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebCommerce Solution 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, #462 | SiteEdit, SiteCheck, PhotoMill San Diego, CA 92128 | 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Grant Hulbert


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