Re: WebCat2 beta 11 - new prefs ...

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numero = 10334
interpreted = N
texte = >>Can you explain how to set the new CommandsAllowed and CommandSecurity >>prefs and what their actual functions are? I have an idea about what they >>might do, but I would rather hear it from you than to make the wrong >>assumptions here ... > >When CommandSecurity is F, WebCatalog works as it always has: anyone can >$Append records to a database if they know how. > >When CommandSecurity is T, WebCatalog first checks to see if you are >logged in as an administrator and if so, allows the command. If you are >not an administrator and the command Append is not in the list of >allowed commands, then it is denied.I assume that CommandSecurity also controls all the other commands too? OR does this one deal only with the Append command?If it controls all commands, then setting CommandSecurity to T effectively eliminates everyone but me from appending, replacing, and deleting even if they enter the username and password that appears in the record they are trying to append, replace, or delete - is this correct?I don't want that on my site, so I think I need to set CommandSecurity to F ...Sincerely, Ken Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat2 beta 11 - new prefs ... (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: WebCat2 beta 11 - new prefs ... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  3. Re: WebCat2 beta 11 - new prefs ... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Re: WebCat2 beta 11 - new prefs ... (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. WebCat2 beta 11 - new prefs ... (Kenneth Grome 1997)
>>Can you explain how to set the new CommandsAllowed and CommandSecurity >>prefs and what their actual functions are? I have an idea about what they >>might do, but I would rather hear it from you than to make the wrong >>assumptions here ... > >When CommandSecurity is F, WebCatalog works as it always has: anyone can >$Append records to a database if they know how. > >When CommandSecurity is T, WebCatalog first checks to see if you are >logged in as an administrator and if so, allows the command. If you are >not an administrator and the command Append is not in the list of >allowed commands, then it is denied.I assume that CommandSecurity also controls all the other commands too? OR does this one deal only with the Append command?If it controls all commands, then setting CommandSecurity to T effectively eliminates everyone but me from appending, replacing, and deleting even if they enter the username and password that appears in the record they are trying to append, replace, or delete - is this correct?I don't want that on my site, so I think I need to set CommandSecurity to F ...Sincerely, Ken Kenneth Grome


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