$Replace with [founditems]

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numero = 10808
interpreted = N
texte = I am trying to replace a db record and then display a template with [founditems] so I can use [xxx] tags on that template. Works fine with $Search but not with $Replace (it will not show anything between [founditems] [/founditems]. Here's the code on the page that replaces the record and goes to the next template: [FoundItems] [business_name] Update Form
. . . [/founditems]I want to use [xxx] tags on bizmodified.tmpl for the record specified in the user_name field in my database. I have the on bizmodified.tmpl. I noticed that the GeneralStore demo template AdminModified.tmpl does not use [founditems] or [xxx] tags in it and wondered if this is not possible?? ThankxKarl Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: $Replace with [founditems] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. $Replace with [founditems] (Karl Schroll 1997)
I am trying to replace a db record and then display a template with [founditems] so I can use [xxx] tags on that template. Works fine with $Search but not with $Replace (it will not show anything between [founditems] [/founditems]. Here's the code on the page that replaces the record and goes to the next template: [founditems] [business_name] Update Form [url][username][/URL]> . . . [/founditems]I want to use [xxx] tags on bizmodified.tmpl for the record specified in the user_name field in my database. I have the on bizmodified.tmpl. I noticed that the GeneralStore demo template AdminModified.tmpl does not use [founditems] or [xxx] tags in it and wondered if this is not possible?? ThankxKarl Karl Schroll


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