[WebDNA] Cost to upgrade WebDNA 6.2 to run on Win2008 / Win7

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numero = 108283
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texte = Hi Chris, Was wondering ....what would be the estimated cost to get WebDNA 6.2 to run on the latest Win Server OS. I am assuming here that it would be easier to get an experienced programmer familiar with WebDNA 6.2 build to migrate it over. It should be easier than WebDNA 7 on the latest Win OS. I could be wrong ....just shooting for the stars here. Curious to see what it would take to get Win WebDNA of the ground. Tery D. Nair Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Cost to upgrade WebDNA 6.2 to run on Win2008 / Win7 (christophe.billiottet@webdna.us 2012)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Cost to upgrade WebDNA 6.2 to run on Win2008 / Win7 (christophe.billiottet@webdna.us 2012)
  3. [WebDNA] Cost to upgrade WebDNA 6.2 to run on Win2008 / Win7 ("Terry Nair" 2012)
Hi Chris, Was wondering ....what would be the estimated cost to get WebDNA 6.2 to run on the latest Win Server OS. I am assuming here that it would be easier to get an experienced programmer familiar with WebDNA 6.2 build to migrate it over. It should be easier than WebDNA 7 on the latest Win OS. I could be wrong ....just shooting for the stars here. Curious to see what it would take to get Win WebDNA of the ground. Tery D. Nair "Terry Nair"


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