WC2b15 - [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] problems

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numero = 10917
interpreted = N
texte = Hello Can anyone help me or is anyone having similar problems? I'm having problems with the [HTML] tags when trying to show search results in a template. This is the search command:Courier<Details< When the [foundItems]...[/foundItems] loop in Detail.tmpl is contained within [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] contexts, then nothing is shown. If I remove the [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] contexts, then the [foundItems]...[/foundItems] loop is shown. However, only if the [HTML] contexts are removed from the first occurrence of the [HTMLx][foundItems]...[/foundItems][/HTMLx] loop. Anything after the first occurrence of an [HTMLx] is not returned in the page. Hope this is clear enough. Hope you can help as this is holding up all my development! Cheers Jeremy Jeremy PocockNetCommerce Ltd----------------------------------------------------------------------Tel: +44 (0)1703 456656Fax: +44 (0)1703 453231----------------------------------------------------------------------Email address : jpocock@NetCommerce.co.uk----------------------------------------------------------------------Buy It On-Line in 97!http://www.ShopsOnTheNet.co.ukhttp://www.ShopsOnTheNet.com---------------------------------------------------------------------- Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WC2b15 - [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] problems SOLVED! (Jeremy Pocock 1997)
  2. Re: WC2b15 - [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] problems (Jeremy Pocock 1997)
  3. Re: WC2b15 - [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] problems (Gil Poulsen 1997)
  4. WC2b15 - [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] problems (Jeremy Pocock 1997)
  5. WC2b15 - [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] problems (Jeremy Pocock 1997)
Hello Can anyone help me or is anyone having similar problems? I'm having problems with the [HTML] tags when trying to show search results in a template. This is the search command:Courier<[cart]&eqskudata=[url][sku][/url]>Details< When the [founditems]...[/foundItems] loop in Detail.tmpl is contained within [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] contexts, then nothing is shown. If I remove the [HTMLx]...[/HTMLx] contexts, then the [founditems]...[/foundItems] loop is shown. However, only if the [HTML] contexts are removed from the first occurrence of the [HTMLx][founditems]...[/foundItems][/HTMLx] loop. Anything after the first occurrence of an [HTMLx] is not returned in the page. Hope this is clear enough. Hope you can help as this is holding up all my development! Cheers Jeremy Jeremy PocockNetCommerce Ltd----------------------------------------------------------------------Tel: +44 (0)1703 456656Fax: +44 (0)1703 453231----------------------------------------------------------------------Email address : jpocock@NetCommerce.co.uk----------------------------------------------------------------------Buy It On-Line in 97!http://www.ShopsOnTheNet.co.ukhttp://www.ShopsOnTheNet.com---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeremy Pocock


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