Re: Logging purchases

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 11008
interpreted = N
texte = >Howdy, list. I would like to begin logging purchases from my thank you >template through an [AppendFile purchlog.db] command. All I want is four >fields: date, IP address, sku/item/quantity/price for each item >purchased, and the total for that purchase. Anyone know how can I write >[lineItems] into one field in a database without having the second line >item create a new record?Hi Gil,Have you tried this? I don't know for sure, but I believe this will do what you want. It shouldn't put any tabs or carriage returns inside the lineitems loop, and the only other tabs and carriage returns are the ones you type yourself.I used a series of dots to separate the individual lines of line items, but you could replace those dots with something else, as long as it's not a tab or carriage return ... :)[AppendFile purchlog.db][date][ipAddress][lineitems][sku]/[item]/[quantity]/[price ].....[/lineitems][total][/appendfile]Sincerely, Ken Grome ..... Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Logging purchases (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: Logging purchases (Gil Poulsen 1997)
  3. Re: Logging purchases (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Logging purchases (Gil Poulsen 1997)
>Howdy, list. I would like to begin logging purchases from my thank you >template through an [AppendFile purchlog.db] command. All I want is four >fields: date, IP address, sku/item/quantity/price for each item >purchased, and the total for that purchase. Anyone know how can I write >[lineitems] into one field in a database without having the second line >item create a new record?Hi Gil,Have you tried this? I don't know for sure, but I believe this will do what you want. It shouldn't put any tabs or carriage returns inside the lineitems loop, and the only other tabs and carriage returns are the ones you type yourself.I used a series of dots to separate the individual lines of line items, but you could replace those dots with something else, as long as it's not a tab or carriage return ... :)[AppendFile purchlog.db][date][ipaddress][lineitems][sku]/[item]/[quantity]/[price ].....[/lineitems][total][/appendfile]Sincerely, Ken Grome ..... Kenneth Grome


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