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numero = 11339
interpreted = N
texte = Does [SHOWIF] and [HIDEIF] in any way support multiple conditions like [SHOWIF condition1 AND condition2]?I found out (even if it's not in the docs, but in one of the examples) how to set a variable, so I can solve it in a clumsy way:[SHOWIF condition1] Blablabla [MATH]Variable1=1[/MATH] [/SHOWIF][SHOWIF condition2] Blablabla [MATH]Variable2=1[/MATH] [/SHOWIF][SHOWIF [MATH]Variable1+Variable2=2[/MATH]] Blablabla [/SHOWIF]But - it would be much more convinient to use [SHOWIF condition1 AND condition2], so I hope this is implemented but not found by me :-) ************************************************************* Christer Olsson Stora Nygatan 21 Phone +46 40 791 50 Art director S-211 37 Malmoe Fax +46 40 97 99 77 Ljusa Ideer AB Sweden http://www.ljusaideer.se Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [SHOWIF AND/OR] (Christer Olsson 1997)
  2. Re: [SHOWIF AND/OR] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: [SHOWIF AND/OR] (John Hill 1997)
  4. [SHOWIF AND/OR] (Christer Olsson 1997)
Does [showif] and [hideif] in any way support multiple conditions like [SHOWIF condition1 AND condition2]?I found out (even if it's not in the docs, but in one of the examples) how to set a variable, so I can solve it in a clumsy way:[SHOWIF condition1] Blablabla [math]Variable1=1[/MATH] [/SHOWIF][SHOWIF condition2] Blablabla [math]Variable2=1[/MATH] [/SHOWIF][SHOWIF [math]Variable1+Variable2=2[/MATH]] Blablabla [/SHOWIF]But - it would be much more convinient to use [SHOWIF condition1 AND condition2], so I hope this is implemented but not found by me :-) ************************************************************* Christer Olsson Stora Nygatan 21 Phone +46 40 791 50 Art director S-211 37 Malmoe Fax +46 40 97 99 77 Ljusa Ideer AB Sweden http://www.ljusaideer.se Christer Olsson


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