Re: AppleScript question

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numero = 13319
interpreted = N
texte = >>When I put an AppleScript in a WebCat template, I can still put >>WebCat tags inside the [applescript] context and they will be >>replaced by WebCat before the AppleScript runs, right? > >Yes. It's designed so you can put WebDNA tags inside the >AppleScript and have them converted to their 'real' values before >the AppleScript executes. You could even have WebDNA that 'writes' >AppleScript.Cool!Now all I need is a way to make WebCat create new folders in the 'right places', then when John O'Fallon finishes making Rumpus scriptable in a couple of days, I will have my own fully automated WebSTAR/WebCat/Rumpus (FTP) site with awesome security and remote admin capabilities!I 'assume' that an AppleScript can be written that creates folders, so I will try to use that technique to create my FTP folders, at least until WebCat can create folders all by itself ... :)If anyone has an AppleScript that creates folders, please feel free to post it or send it to me via private email so I will have a place to begin - I'm not all that familiar with AppleScript. Thanks!Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: OT: AppleScript question (Charles Kline 2003)
  2. Re: OT: AppleScript question ( 2003)
  3. OT: AppleScript question (Charles Kline 2003)
  4. Re: AppleScript question (Christer Olsson 1997)
  5. Re: AppleScript question (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  6. Re: AppleScript question (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  7. AppleScript question (Kenneth Grome 1997)
>>When I put an AppleScript in a WebCat template, I can still put >>WebCat tags inside the [applescript] context and they will be >>replaced by WebCat before the AppleScript runs, right? > >Yes. It's designed so you can put WebDNA tags inside the >AppleScript and have them converted to their 'real' values before >the AppleScript executes. You could even have WebDNA that 'writes' >AppleScript.Cool!Now all I need is a way to make WebCat create new folders in the 'right places', then when John O'Fallon finishes making Rumpus scriptable in a couple of days, I will have my own fully automated WebSTAR/WebCat/Rumpus (FTP) site with awesome security and remote admin capabilities!I 'assume' that an AppleScript can be written that creates folders, so I will try to use that technique to create my FTP folders, at least until WebCat can create folders all by itself ... :)If anyone has an AppleScript that creates folders, please feel free to post it or send it to me via private email so I will have a place to begin - I'm not all that familiar with AppleScript. Thanks!Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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