credit card authorization question

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numero = 14165
interpreted = N
texte = My client is just getting credit card services from his bank and it is time to put Web Merchant into service.I looked at the documentation for WebMerchant but didn't see any setting for setting MacAuthorize to Authorize only. Nor did I see any fields for saving the authorization number. (I don't yet have MacAuthorize to read its documentation)The store runs a just-in-time inventory and can't charge the credit card until the orders are actually shipped. We need to use MacAuthorize for authorizations and pass the authorization numbers onto the back end software. Any hints on how to do this? ThanksSandy Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: credit card authorization question (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
  2. Re: credit card authorization question (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: credit card authorization question (Sandra L. Pitner <> 1997)
  4. Re: credit card authorization question (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. credit card authorization question (Sandra L. Pitner <> 1997)
My client is just getting credit card services from his bank and it is time to put Web Merchant into service.I looked at the documentation for WebMerchant but didn't see any setting for setting MacAuthorize to Authorize only. Nor did I see any fields for saving the authorization number. (I don't yet have MacAuthorize to read its documentation)The store runs a just-in-time inventory and can't charge the credit card until the orders are actually shipped. We need to use MacAuthorize for authorizations and pass the authorization numbers onto the back end software. Any hints on how to do this? ThanksSandy Sandra L. Pitner <>


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