Replacing a variable within a variable.

This WebDNA talk-list message is from


It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 17040
interpreted = N
texte = How can the variable, [index], be replaced first and then the variable that contains the [index] be replaced? Please take a look at the following code: First Page Posted To Second Page:[SEARCH db=../../../admin/db/productslist.db&eqCOMPANYIDPdatarq=[COMPANYID]&RECORDIDPsort=1][FOUNDITEMS] [/FOUNDITEMS][/SEARCH]Second Page:[loop start=1&end=20][REPLACE db=../../../admin/db/productslist.db&eqRECORDIDPdatarq=[PVRecordIDP-[index]]]&FIELD1=[url][INField1-[index]][/url]&FIELD2=[url][INField2-[index]][/url]&FIELD3=[url][INField3-[index]][/url]&FIELD4=[url][INField4-[index]][/url]&FIELD5=[url][INField5-[index]][/url][/REPLACE][/loop]------------------------------------------------------------------------------[PVRecordIDP-[index]]Will Return As:PVRecordIDP-1I Want It To Return As:abc123-1 Thanks,Bill Norman Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Replacing a variable within a variable. (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  2. Replacing a variable within a variable. ( (Bill Norman) 1998)
How can the variable, [index], be replaced first and then the variable that contains the [index] be replaced? Please take a look at the following code: First Page Posted To Second Page:[SEARCH db=../../../admin/db/productslist.db&eqCOMPANYIDPdatarq=[COMPANYID]&RECORDIDPsort=1][founditems] [/FOUNDITEMS][/SEARCH]Second Page:[loop start=1&end=20][REPLACE db=../../../admin/db/productslist.db&eqRECORDIDPdatarq=[PVRecordIDP-[index]]]&FIELD1=[url][INField1-[index]][/url]&FIELD2=[url][INField2-[index]][/url]&FIELD3=[url][INField3-[index]][/url]&FIELD4=[url][INField4-[index]][/url]&FIELD5=[url][INField5-[index]][/url][/REPLACE][/loop]------------------------------------------------------------------------------[PVRecordIDP-[index]]Will Return As:PVRecordIDP-1I Want It To Return As:abc123-1 Thanks,Bill Norman (Bill Norman)


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