no time stamp & different times from emailer

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numero = 18570
interpreted = N
texte = In the general store example several email messages are sent by webcatalog and of the email messages sent automatically does not have a time stamp. Does anyone know what causes this?also, some of the messages have the current time and some appear to have been sent many hours earlier. What's up here??thanks. dan t. Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: no time stamp & different times from emailer (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  2. Re: no time stamp & different times from emailer (Dan Tryon 1998)
  3. Re: no time stamp & different times from emailer (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  4. no time stamp & different times from emailer (Dan Tryon 1998)
In the general store example several email messages are sent by webcatalog and of the email messages sent automatically does not have a time stamp. Does anyone know what causes this?also, some of the messages have the current time and some appear to have been sent many hours earlier. What's up here??thanks. dan t. Dan Tryon


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