Re: More EudoraPro Email Options

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numero = 19800
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texte = >The Out file located in the /System Folder/Eudora Folder/Mail Folder/ is >a text file with as many of these messages appended together as are in the >the Out mailbox (or text file). Eudora looks at this file to find >messages to send whenever it is set to send them. > >1. It should be possbile to create and EmailOut folder on the server; >2. Place a text file the folder accumulate appended outgoing messages >formated as above; >3. Create an alias called Out and put it in the /System folder/Eudora >Folder/Mail Folder/ replacing the existing Out files found there; >4. When Eudora looks for the Out file it sends messages it finds. > >This sounds great, but I don't see any differences in the text of messages >in line to be sent from others already sent. It seems I should have to >distinguish them as queued messages, but it is not obvious how.Maybe this information is stored in the resource fork -- if in fact there actually *IS* a resource fork ... ? >I need to be able to send the message from using WebDNA from inside a page >so I guess I would use the AppendFile context.That seems like the right way to do it.Too bad there's no 'drop folder' where email messages could be placed and Eudora would find them and mail them out, like SIMS does ... >I don't know about >formatting etc. on outgoing messages this way.It should work fine, whatever you type inside an [appendfile] context gets appended just as it's typed. It's *NOT* html, so all the line breaks, tabs, etc. will be retained just as you type them. >I still need to experiment to see if I can get this to work. If so, it >means you can send messages with all features of Eurdora including >attachments, encryption and richer formatting.I think that's why others have been doing something like this. They sell software to a client from their online store, and when the credit card transaction is successfully completed, WebCat creates an email message -- with a MIME header naming the location of the attached software file -- and the buyer receives the software via email instead of having to download it.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: More EudoraPro Email Options (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  2. Re: More EudoraPro Email Options (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  3. More EudoraPro Email Options (RH Prouty 1998)
>The Out file located in the /System Folder/Eudora Folder/Mail Folder/ is >a text file with as many of these messages appended together as are in the >the Out mailbox (or text file). Eudora looks at this file to find >messages to send whenever it is set to send them. > >1. It should be possbile to create and EmailOut folder on the server; >2. Place a text file the folder accumulate appended outgoing messages >formated as above; >3. Create an alias called Out and put it in the /System folder/Eudora >Folder/Mail Folder/ replacing the existing Out files found there; >4. When Eudora looks for the Out file it sends messages it finds. > >This sounds great, but I don't see any differences in the text of messages >in line to be sent from others already sent. It seems I should have to >distinguish them as queued messages, but it is not obvious how.Maybe this information is stored in the resource fork -- if in fact there actually *IS* a resource fork ... ? >I need to be able to send the message from using WebDNA from inside a page >so I guess I would use the AppendFile context.That seems like the right way to do it.Too bad there's no 'drop folder' where email messages could be placed and Eudora would find them and mail them out, like SIMS does ... >I don't know about >formatting etc. on outgoing messages this way.It should work fine, whatever you type inside an [appendfile] context gets appended just as it's typed. It's *NOT* html, so all the line breaks, tabs, etc. will be retained just as you type them. >I still need to experiment to see if I can get this to work. If so, it >means you can send messages with all features of Eurdora including >attachments, encryption and richer formatting.I think that's why others have been doing something like this. They sell software to a client from their online store, and when the credit card transaction is successfully completed, WebCat creates an email message -- with a MIME header naming the location of the attached software file -- and the buyer receives the software via email instead of having to download it.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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