[fullPath] bug?

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 21474
interpreted = N
texte = Greetings,Wrote an include file that take a directory as a parameter and recursively goes through its entire tree giving me options to process when it finds a directory or a file (extremely useful for a million things). It rips through thousands of nested directories and files but when I issue the [fullPath] command, for *FILES* the last \ is missing. For example:d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\parsing\uploads\kodak\catimagem1235.gifIt should be:d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\parsing\uploads\kodak\catimage\m1235.gifThe [fullPath] command on the parent directory brought up:d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\parsing\uploads\kodak\catimagewhich is fine.This works fine when I just use a simple [listFiles]. This include file, though, is generic and keeps calling itself till the job's done. It's when it's calling itself and issuing the [fullPath] command that the end \ is missing.Any thoughts?Aloha, Olin Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. [fullPath] bug? (Olin Lagon 1998)
Greetings,Wrote an include file that take a directory as a parameter and recursively goes through its entire tree giving me options to process when it finds a directory or a file (extremely useful for a million things). It rips through thousands of nested directories and files but when I issue the [fullPath] command, for *FILES* the last \ is missing. For example:d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\parsing\uploads\kodak\catimagem1235.gifIt should be:d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\parsing\uploads\kodak\catimage\m1235.gifThe [fullPath] command on the parent directory brought up:d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\parsing\uploads\kodak\catimagewhich is fine.This works fine when I just use a simple [listfiles]. This include file, though, is generic and keeps calling itself till the job's done. It's when it's calling itself and issuing the [fullPath] command that the end \ is missing.Any thoughts?Aloha, Olin Olin Lagon


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