Store Checkout

Store Checkout

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OrderPriceProduct Description
US$89.00WebDNA single website Certificate version FastCGI 8: this will purchase one WebDNA FastCGI certificates to activate the WebDNA FastCGI accelerator for one single domain name and all of its subdomains, if any.
US$459.00Unlimited WebDNA Server License version 8. WebDNA server can serve all the domain names on a single machine.
US$199.00STROKK (BioType) Certificate valid for one website: this will unlock the full STROKK features for a single domain name. There is no user limits.
US$299.00eCommerce Certificate version 1. This will unlock the full eCommerce features for a single domain name.
OrderPriceProduct Description
US$89.00WebDNA single website Certificate version FastCGI 8: this will purchase one WebDNA FastCGI certificates to activate the WebDNA FastCGI accelerator for one single domain name and all of its subdomains, if any.
US$459.00Unlimited WebDNA Server License version 8. WebDNA server can serve all the domain names on a single machine.
US$199.00STROKK (BioType) Certificate valid for one website: this will unlock the full STROKK features for a single domain name. There is no user limits.
US$299.00eCommerce Certificate version 1. This will unlock the full eCommerce features for a single domain name.


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