[thisurl] displays the URL of the current page
numero = 194http://www.domain.com/x/y/z/index.dna?a=b&c=dthe [thisurl] tag will produce this:
/x/y/z/index.dnawhile the [thisurlplusget] tag will produce this:
/x/y/z/index.dna?a=b&c=dand if you need to show the domain name, just use [listmimeheaders]
[text]CALL_DOMAIN=[listmimeheaders name=host&exact=F][value][/listmimeheaders][/text]http://[CALL_DOMAIN][thisurlplusget]Putting [thisurl] in your template displays the URL of the current page being displayed as a relative path from the root of the server hierarchy. It will not show the domain name.
[text]CALL_DOMAIN=[listmimeheaders name=host&exact=F][value][/listmimeheaders][/text]
A list of the currently available modules...
Tips and TricksA list of user-submitted tips ...
Technical Change HistoryThis Technical Change History provides a reverse chronological list of WebDNA changes...
WebDNA LibrariesA list of available libraries for WebDNA...
Download WebDNA ApplicationsWebDNA applications...
F.A.QA compilation of some user's questions...
The server waits until the file appears on disk...
[listfiles]When listing files...
[returnraw]Sends 'raw' MIME headers and data back to browser...
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