Technical References - [thisurl]

[thisurl] displays the URL of the current page

numero = 194
interpreted = N
texte = Putting [thisurl] in your template displays the URL of the current page being displayed as a relative path from the root of the server hierarchy. It will not show the domain name. If you need to show the variables from the URL, use [thisurlplusget]
the [thisurl] tag will produce this:
while the [thisurlplusget] tag will produce this:
and if you need to show the domain name, just use [listmimeheaders]
[text]CALL_DOMAIN=[listmimeheaders name=host&exact=F][value][/listmimeheaders][/text]http://[CALL_DOMAIN][thisurlplusget]
Putting [thisurl] in your template displays the URL of the current page being displayed as a relative path from the root of the server hierarchy. It will not show the domain name.

If you need to show the variables from the URL, use [thisurlplusget]

the [thisurl] tag will produce this:

while the [thisurlplusget] tag will produce this:

and if you need to show the domain name, just use [listmimeheaders]

[text]CALL_DOMAIN=[listmimeheaders name=host&exact=F][value][/listmimeheaders][/text]



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