Embeds the results of an external function
numero = 205Executes the external Windows ActiveX control or Java class file, and displays the text of the result.
To embed the results of an external function (which could be a Windows ActiveX DLL or Java class file on any platform) into one of your pages, put an Object context with appropriate parameters into a template. The parameters are sent to the external module, and the result of the external call are displayed as text in place of the context. Any [xxx] tags inside the context are first substituted for their real values before the Object is executed.Example:[object objname=MS.CUSTOM&[!][/!]call=MyFunction&[!][/!]param1=Hello&[!][/!]param1type=text&[!][/!]param2=2000&[!][/!]param2type=num] [/object]The ActiveX control DLL "MS.CUSTOM" will be loaded and "MyFunction" will be executed with the following parameters:Parameter 1: Hello Type: textParameter 2: 2000 Type: num
Parameter | Description |
objname | ActiveX: The name of the ActiveX controlJava: The name of the Java class file |
call | ActiveX: Name of function to call.Java: Name of the method to call(NOTE: the method must be beable to receive "java/lang/String" and return"java/lang/String") |
type | (Optional) The type of module to execute.0 - ActiveX (Default)1 Java .class file |
classpath | (Required for Java) Location of the .class file and all thesupporting .jar files.Can contain multiple locations separatedby semicolons ";".Only java modules require thisparameter.Note: This is only used on Mac OS platforms and is ignored in all the other platforms. If you want to set the classpath for the other platforms, you have to manually change the JavaClassPath preference in the "WebCatalog Prefs" file, but make sure you shutdown WebDNA before doing this. |
Param1 | (Optional) Value of the first parameter to be passed intothe ActiveX or Java function.For boolean values, use 0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE |
Param1Type | (Required for each parameter) Data type of the first parameter.Choose from bool, num, or text |
Param2 | (Optional) Value of the second parameter to be passed intothe ActiveX or Java function |
Param2Type | (Required for each parameter) Data type of the second parameter |
...ParamN | (Optional) As many parameters as are necessary may be passedinto the ActiveX/Java function |
...ParamNType | (Required for each parameter) For each value passed, youmust define its data type |
Executes the external Windows ActiveX control or Java class file, and displays the text of the result.
[object objname=MS.CUSTOM&[!]
Parameter | Description |
objname | ActiveX: The name of the ActiveX control Java: The name of the Java class file |
call | ActiveX: Name of function to call. Java: Name of the method to call(NOTE: the method must be be able to receive "java/lang/String" and return "java/lang/String") |
type | (Optional) The type of module to execute. 0 - ActiveX (Default) 1 Java .class file |
classpath | (Required for Java) Location of the .class file and all the supporting .jar files.Can contain multiple locations separated by semicolons ";".Only java modules require this parameter.Note: This is only used on Mac OS platforms and is ignored in all the other platforms. If you want to set the classpath for the other platforms, you have to manually change the JavaClassPath preference in the "WebCatalog Prefs" file, but make sure you shutdown WebDNA before doing this. |
Param1 | (Optional) Value of the first parameter to be passed into the ActiveX or Java function. For boolean values, use 0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE |
Param1Type | (Required for each parameter) Data type of the first parameter. Choose from bool, num, or text |
Param2 | (Optional) Value of the second parameter to be passed into the ActiveX or Java function |
Param2Type | (Required for each parameter) Data type of the second parameter |
...ParamN | (Optional) As many parameters as are necessary may be passed into the ActiveX/Java function |
...ParamNType | (Required for each parameter) For each value passed, you must define its data type |
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