Technical References - [removehtml]

Removes HTML or WebDNA tags from a string of text.

numero = 266
interpreted = N
texte = [removehtml]Any Text[/removehtml] To automatically strip out HTML or WebDNA tags from text, put the text inside a [removehtml] context. Any HTML found in the text will be removed, leaving just the plain non-HTML text behind. Alternately you can specify that WebDNA be removed instead. Example:
[removehtml]Some Text that contains <br> <h3>or</h3> other HTML[/removehtml]
The above line of WebDNA would produce the following: Some Text that contains or other HTML Anywhere HTML sequences appear inside the context, they will be removed. You may put any [xxx] tags inside the context--for instance, you may use fields from a database, or even [include] the entire contents of another file. HTML is recognized as any text which begins with "<" followed by any number of non-space characters, followed by any number of characters, followed by ">".
Source(Optional) T or F to indicate that you also want to remove uninterpreted WebDNA from the text. HTML is always removed from the text. Default is to remove HTML only.
ReplaceWithText with which you want to replace the HTML sequences. Defaults to nothing.
[removehtml]Any Text[/removehtml]

To automatically strip out HTML or WebDNA tags from text, put the text inside a [removehtml] context. Any HTML found in the text will be removed, leaving just the plain non-HTML text behind. Alternately you can specify that WebDNA be removed instead.

Some Text that contains <br> <h3>or</h3> other HTML

The above line of WebDNA would produce the following:

Some Text that contains or other HTML

Anywhere HTML sequences appear inside the context, they will be removed. You may put any [xxx] tags inside the context--for instance, you may use fields from a database, or even [include] the entire contents of another file. HTML is recognized as any text which begins with "<" followed by any number of non-space characters, followed by any number of characters, followed by ">".

Source(Optional) T or F to indicate that you also want to remove uninterpreted WebDNA from the text. HTML is always removed from the text. Default is to remove HTML only.
ReplaceWithText with which you want to replace the HTML sequences. Defaults to nothing.


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