Executes and persits the results of an SQL statement.
numero = 278[SQLconnect dbType=MySQL&host=]Connected successfully[/SQLconnect][SQLexecute conn_ref=conn1&result_var=rs1]select firstName,lastName from employees;[/SQLexecute][SQLexecute] expects its content to resolve or evaluate to a single SQL command of some sort. You can place WebDNA here if you wish but [SQLexecute] will fail if its contents are not limited to a valid SQL statement after the inner parse is complete. Refer to the documentation of your particular SQL server software to determine what a "valid" SQL statement is.After a successfull execution, you would then normally use the [SQLresult] and [founditems] contexts to retrieve the results of the SQL statement.
Parameter | Description |
conn_ref (or just 'ref') | (Required) - The name of the connection variable you created with a prior execution of [SQLconnect] (the value you set for the "conn_var" or "var" parameter) |
result_var (or just 'var') | (Optional) - The name of the SQLresult variable you wish to create on successful execution. This 'result' variable can be used later by setting the "result_ref" (or "ref") parameter of [SQLresult] to this value. If you do not specify a variable name, none will be created and it is assumed you wish to execute non-Select SQL commands. Even if you do execute a non-Select command, you may still want to 'save' the result. For example, if you execute a delete command, you can still specify a result variable, so that you can access other information, such as the number of rows affected. |
[SQLconnect dbType=MySQL&host=]
Connected successfully
[SQLexecute conn_ref=conn1&result_var=rs1]
select firstName,lastName from employees;
Parameter | Description |
conn_ref (or just 'ref') | (Required) - The name of the connection variable you created with a prior execution of [SQLconnect] (the value you set for the "conn_var" or "var" parameter) |
result_var (or just 'var') | (Optional) - The name of the SQLresult variable you wish to create on successful execution. This 'result' variable can be used later by setting the "result_ref" (or "ref") parameter of [SQLresult] to this value. If you do not specify a variable name, none will be created and it is assumed you wish to execute non-Select SQL commands. Even if you do execute a non-Select command, you may still want to 'save' the result. For example, if you execute a delete command, you can still specify a result variable, so that you can access other information, such as the number of rows affected. |
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