WebDNA vs. PHP

The best way to show the difference between the two languages is to compare the code required to do the same thing. Even a non-techie can see what's going on in the WebDNA example.

numero = 37
interpreted = N
texte = Do you want a directory file listing, with files and only files, showing png and swf files only, hiding other files and hiding file extension? There's a simple beauty in typing:
[listfiles path=./][showif [isfile]=T][if ("[fileName]" ^ ".png")|("[filename]" ^ ".swf")][then][grep search=\..*&replace=][filename][/grep]<br>[/then][/if][/showif][/listfiles]
as opposed to unintuitive PHP code:
<?phpfunctionstrip_ext($name){$ext=strrchr($name,'.'); if($ext!==false){ $name=substr($name,0,-strlen($ext)); }return $name;  }  function removeHyphen($filename) {  $target = $filename;  $patterns[0] = '/-/';  $patterns[1] = '/_/';  $replacements[0] = ' ';  $replacements[1] = ' ';  $filename = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $target);  return $filename;  }  function capFirstWord($word) {  $cap = $word;  $cap = explode(' ', $cap);  foreach($cap as $key => $value) {  $cap[$key] = ucfirst($cap[$key]);  }  $word = implode(' ', $cap);  return $word;  }  function formatFile($name) {  $name = strip_ext($name);  $name = removeHyphen($name);  $name = capFirstWord($name);  return $name;  }  $mydir = dir('./');  $extension_blacklist = array("gif", "js", "css");  $filter = array("config.php", "printpage.php"); while (($file = $mydir->read()) !== false)  {  $file_info = pathinfo($file);  if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !in_array($file, $filter) && !in_array($file_info['extension'], $extension_blacklist)) if(!is_dir($file)) {  echo "<li><a href='./$file'>".formatFile($file)."</a></li>"; }  }  $mydir->close(); ?>
Here another PHP vs. WebDNA example. Do you want a directory file listing, with files and only files, showing png and swf files only, hiding other files and hiding file extension? There's a simple beauty in typing:
[listfiles path=./][showif [isfile]=T]
[if ("[fileName]" ^ ".png")|("[filename]" ^ ".swf")]
[grep search=\..*&replace=][filename][/grep]<br>

as opposed to unintuitive PHP code:

return $name;
function removeHyphen($filename) {
$target = $filename;
$patterns[0] = '/-/';
$patterns[1] = '/_/';
$replacements[0] = ' ';
$replacements[1] = ' ';
$filename = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $target);
return $filename;
function capFirstWord($word) {
$cap = $word;
$cap = explode(' ', $cap);
foreach($cap as $key => $value) {
$cap[$key] = ucfirst($cap[$key]);
$word = implode(' ', $cap);
return $word;
function formatFile($name) {
$name = strip_ext($name);
$name = removeHyphen($name);
$name = capFirstWord($name);
return $name;
$mydir = dir('./');
$extension_blacklist = array("gif", "js", "css");
$filter = array("config.php", "printpage.php");
while (($file = $mydir->read()) !== false)
$file_info = pathinfo($file);
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !in_array($file, $filter) && !in_array($file_info['extension'], $extension_blacklist))
echo "<li><a href='./$file'>".formatFile($file)."</a></li>";

Here another PHP vs. WebDNA example. Christophe Billiottet


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