Re: emailer don't work

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numero = 17209
interpreted = N
texte = >I made a virtual store and I have the emailer application running inside >the webcatalog folder, I setup in the preferences the email server, but I >have my store in other folder outside the webcatalog folder.This is Macintosh, I assume.1) Emailer program is inside WebCatalog folder 2) EmailerPrefs file is the following (with domain set to yours): mail.your :EMailFolder: :EMailCompleted: :EMailLog: 300 3) Your WebCatalog Prefs file contains the following: EMailFolder :EMailFolder: EMailLogFolder :EMailLog: CompletedEMailFolder :EMailCompleted: 4) Files are appearing inside your WebCatalog:EMailFolder that look like, and when you open those files they contain to:, from:, subject:, and body text>When I finish the process of buying some products, it never send the >e-mail, and if I look in the orders folder via the administration pages, >I see the order but when I click on it, it show only the number of the >oreder.What do the order files look like when you open them with a text editor?Technical Support | ==== eCommerce and Beyond ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant, 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster, San Diego, CA 92128 | Typhoon 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: emailer don't work (listas 1998)
  2. Re: emailer don't work (listas 1998)
  3. Re: emailer don't work (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  4. emailer don't work (listas 1998)
>I made a virtual store and I have the emailer application running inside >the webcatalog folder, I setup in the preferences the email server, but I >have my store in other folder outside the webcatalog folder.This is Macintosh, I assume.1) Emailer program is inside WebCatalog folder 2) EmailerPrefs file is the following (with domain set to yours): mail.your :EMailFolder: :EMailCompleted: :EMailLog: 300 3) Your WebCatalog Prefs file contains the following: EMailFolder :EMailFolder: EMailLogFolder :EMailLog: CompletedEMailFolder :EMailCompleted: 4) Files are appearing inside your WebCatalog:EMailFolder that look like, and when you open those files they contain to:, from:, subject:, and body text>When I finish the process of buying some products, it never send the >e-mail, and if I look in the orders folder via the administration pages, >I see the order but when I click on it, it show only the number of the >oreder.What do the order files look like when you open them with a text editor?Technical Support | ==== eCommerce and Beyond ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant, 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster, San Diego, CA 92128 | Typhoon 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | PCS Technical Support


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