a [shownext] example

How to use [shownext] to create "Next | Previous" search results the same way Google does...

numero = 304
interpreted = N
texte = This example is active at http://www.kanuhawaii.org/today/journals/
--- begin CSS ---/* paging */.Pages {text-align: center;clear: both;}.Paginator {font-size: 12px;padding-top: 10px;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;}.Paginator a, .pageList .this-page {padding: 2px 6px;border: solid 1px #ddd;background: #fff;text-decoration: none;}.Paginator .AtStart {margin-right: 20px;padding: 2px 6px;color: #334f73;}.Paginator .Prev {margin-right: 20px;padding: 2px 6px;border: solid 2px #ddd;background: #fff;}.Paginator .Next {margin-left: 20px;padding: 2px 6px;border: solid 2px #ddd;background: #fff;}.Paginator .AtEnd {margin-left: 20px;padding: 2px 6px;color: #334f73;}.Paginator .this-page {padding: 2px 6px;border-color: #999;font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px;color: #334f73;}.Paginator .onthis{color: #fff;background: #739dd3;border-color: #334f73;text-decoration: none;}.Paginator a:hover {color: #fff;background: #739dd3;border-color: #334f73;text-decoration: none;}.Pages div.Results {text-align: center;font: 11px/15px Arial, Helvetica;color: #aaa;margin-top: 8px;}--- end CSS ------ begin code on page ---[if[page]![raw][page][/raw]][then][text]page=[page][/text][/then][else][text]page=1[/text][/else][/if][search db=your.db&your search/sortterms&max=10&startat=[math](([page]-1)*10)+1[/math]]Page [page] of [math]ceil([numFound]/10)[/math][genPagingpath=[url][thisurl]?[/url]n=[numfound]&page=[page]&end=[math]ceil([numfound]/10)[/math]][foundItems]Etc...[genPagingpath=[url][thisurl]?[/url]n=[numfound]&page=[page]&end=[math]ceil([numfound]/10)[/math]][/foundItems][/search]You can also end the found items like this to get the paging on the bottom--- end code on page ------ put this function somewhere on your page or your functions lib ---[function name=genPaging]<div class="Pages"><div class="Paginator">[if [end]<18][then][loop start=1&end=[end]][if [page]=[index]][then]<spanclass="this-page">[index]</span>[/then][else]<ahref="[path]page=[index]&n=[n]&end=[end]">[index]</a>[/else][/if][/loop][/then][else][if [math][page]-8[/math]<0][then][loop start=1&end=10][if [page]=[index]][then]<spanclass="this-page">[index]</span>[/then][else]<ahref="[path]page=[index]&n=[n]&end=[end]">[index]</a>[/else][/if][/loop]...[loop start=[math][end]-2[/math]&end=[end]]<ahref="[path]page=[index]&n=[n]&end=[end]">[index]</a>[/loop][/then][else][if [math][page]+7[/math]>[end]][then][loopstart=1&end=3]<ahref="[path]page=[index]&n=[n]&end=[end]">[index]</a>[/loop]...[loopstart=[math][end]-9[/math]&end=[end]][if [page]=[index]][then]<spanclass="this-page">[index]</span>[/then][else]<ahref="[path]page=[index]&n=[n]&end=[end]">[index]</a>[/else][/if][/loop][/then][else][loop start=1&end=3]<ahref="[path]page=[index]&n=[n]&end=[end]">[index]</a>[/loop]...[loopstart=[math][page]-3[/math]&end=[math][page]+3[/math]][if[page]=[index]][then]<span class="this-page">[index]</span>[/then][else]<ahref="[path]page=[index]&n=[n]&end=[end]">[index]</a>[/else][/if][/loop]...[loop start=[math][end]-2[/math]&end=[end]]<ahref="[path]page=[index]&n=[n]&end=[end]">[index]</a>[/loop][/else][/if][/else][/if][/else][/if]</div></div>[/function]--- end function
This example is active at http://www.kanuhawaii.org/today/journals/

--- begin CSS ---
/* paging */
.Pages {
text-align: center;
clear: both;
.Paginator {
font-size: 12px;
padding-top: 10px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.Paginator a, .pageList .this-page {
padding: 2px 6px;
border: solid 1px #ddd;
background: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
.Paginator .AtStart {
margin-right: 20px;
padding: 2px 6px;
color: #334f73;
.Paginator .Prev {
margin-right: 20px;
padding: 2px 6px;
border: solid 2px #ddd;
background: #fff;
.Paginator .Next {
margin-left: 20px;
padding: 2px 6px;
border: solid 2px #ddd;
background: #fff;
.Paginator .AtEnd {
margin-left: 20px;
padding: 2px 6px;
color: #334f73;
.Paginator .this-page {
padding: 2px 6px;
border-color: #999;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 13px;
color: #334f73;
.Paginator .onthis{
color: #fff;
background: #739dd3;
border-color: #334f73;
text-decoration: none;
.Paginator a:hover {
color: #fff;
background: #739dd3;
border-color: #334f73;
text-decoration: none;
.Pages div.Results {
text-align: center;
font: 11px/15px Arial, Helvetica;
color: #aaa;
margin-top: 8px;
--- end CSS ---

--- begin code on page ---

[search db=your.db&your search/sort
Page [page] of [math]ceil([numFound]/10)[/math]

You can also end the found items like this to get the paging on the bottom
--- end code on page ---

--- put this function somewhere on your page or your functions lib ---
[function name=genPaging]
<div class="Pages"><div class="Paginator">
[if [end]<18]
[loop start=1&end=[end]][if [page]=[index]][then]<span
[if [math][page]-8[/math]<0]
[loop start=1&end=10][if [page]=[index]][then]<span
loop start=[math][end]-2[/math]&end=[end]]<a
[if [math][page]+7[/math]>[end]][then][loop
start=[math][end]-9[/math]&end=[end]][if [page]=[index]][then]<span
en][else][loop start=1&end=3]<a
[page]=[index]][then]<span class="this-page">[index]</span>[/then][else]<a
loop start=[math][end]-2[/math]&end=[end]]<a
[/function]--- end function
Olin Lagon


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