Technical References - [input]

[url], [input], and [convertchars] assure proper formatting and interpretation of text

numero = 182
interpreted = N
texte = [input][value][/input] INPUT is used to clean data like carriage returns and quote marks, and is used, as the name implies, in HTML input form tags. 1. Textarea form field. When carriage returns and tabs are written to a database, they are stored as special characters so as not to interfere with the tab-delimited structure of the database file itself. When bringing them out again into a textarea, [input] will format them correctly back into tabs and returns. 2. Other input tags in the value parameter. If your value contains a quote mark, it will close the form field data at that point, resulting in a chopped off value. 3. Other HTML tags (esp. alt tags), javascripts, anything in quotes; same idea as above. Examples:
<textarea>[input][desc][/input]</textarea><input type="text" name="desc" value="[input][desc][/input]"><img source="yourimg.jpg" alt="[input][desc][/input]">

INPUT is used to clean data like carriage returns and quote marks, and is used, as the name implies, in HTML input form tags.

1. Textarea form field. When carriage returns and tabs are written to a database, they are stored as special characters so as not to interfere with the tab-delimited structure of the database file itself. When bringing them out again into a textarea, [input] will format them correctly back into tabs and returns.
2. Other input tags in the value parameter. If your value contains a quote mark, it will close the form field data at that point, resulting in a chopped off value.
3. Other HTML tags (esp. alt tags), javascripts, anything in quotes; same idea as above.
<input type="text" name="desc" value="[input][desc][/input]">
<img source="yourimg.jpg" alt="[input][desc][/input]">
Terry Wilson


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