Technical References - [random]

will display a random number

numero = 185
interpreted = N
texte = Putting [random] in your template displays a random number between 0-99. An optional format is a floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0, with a granularity of 32768 intermediate values. [random format=float] will generate this alternate floating-point number. Putting [lastrandom] in your template displays the same value as the last [random] number displayed. The format of the number will match whatever format was used in the previous [random] use. Putting [random] in your template displays a random number between 0-99. An optional format is a floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0, with a granularity of 32768 intermediate values. [random format=float] will generate this alternate floating-point number.

Putting [lastrandom] in your template displays the same value as the last [random] number displayed. The format of the number will match whatever format was used in the previous [random] use.


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