Amazon Web Services (AWS) README for Machine Image ID...
[biotype]BioType is a behavioral biometrics WebDNA function based on ADGS research and development (from version 8...
Download WebDNA ApplicationsWebDNA applications...
Tips and TricksA list of user-submitted tips ...
WebDNA LibrariesA list of available libraries for WebDNA...
Technical Change HistoryThis Technical Change History provides a reverse chronological list of WebDNA changes...
There is hardly a website that doesn't at some point need to send an email...
[capitalize]Capitalizes the first letter of all words in a sentence...
[thisurl][thisurl] displays the URL of the current page...
[findstring][FindString Source=...
[xslt]The [xslt] Context allows the WebDNA programmer to 'apply' an XSL style sheet to an XML document and thus 'transform' the XML data into any format the programmer desires (usually HTML)...
[encrypt][encrypt] and [decrypt] allow you to store sensitive data in your databases without risk of exposing it to prying eyes...